10 February 2010

So much fun it should be illegal...

Yes, I'm talking about the Superbowl. What a good time. WOW.

So, we have had this problem for a little bit wondering where we were going to watch the Superbowl. There is the American Sports Cafe in London, but after you go there I hear you should just burn your clothes. So Alex, Ben's roommate suggested that we go to King's College where his brother goes to school. His brother, Cal is a wide receiver on the American Football team at King's and their team and the American Society were hosting a Superbowl party. Game on! Hudson, Ben, Arsenyo, and I went into London where we met Alex and then made our way to King's College. Their student union is SWEET! It's in a building right on the Thames, basically opposite the OXO Tower, and on the second floor so you have a nice view. There are leather couches all around, a good bar, and three TVs. We met a few members of the football team, got drinks, and well signed up for a round of Beruit. I ended up playing Hudson... and wait for it... I beat Hudson. Some guy next to me was trying to tell me the rules of Beruit. LIKE I DON'T KNOW! Yeah, Hudson and I didn't completely play by the rules because the first time I got the ball in one of the cups, he shot right away, and that should have been my shot... but we observed all the other rules. It was a good game, I think I missed like 5 times and had two cups remaining when I defeated him.

Not long after Beruit, the game began. Now, I hate the Colts with a passion. Like as much as I hate the Yankees. I was cheering for the Saints which was good since Hudson is from New Orleans. Ben went along with the Saints since he's English and doesn't know anything about the game, and Arsenyo cheers for the Cowboys. Nothing really happened in the first two quarters except that I realized that instead of the commercials three British guys were talking about the game. No commercials. I was very upset.

It was somewhere in the second half that the cheers began. Not sure who started it... but the whole second half we sang, "When the Saints come marching in..." over, and over, and over again. We were singing and the Colts scored...we stopped for about five seconds. As soon as the Colts punted it we were back cheering. Cal and Alex were two of the loudest ones and usually started the next round. I'm not sure how much of the game, I ended up seeing because we were singing so much. And I'm short, so I was half sitting and standing on a stool. If I was standing, I braced myself with my hands on Hudson and Arsenyo's shoulders. I usually had to stand since someone was standing in front of the TV. My yelling, "Down in front," did not work.
When the Saints intercepted Manning... WOW. I think someone got up on the table. The whole place went insane. There were more Saint fans there, or we were being THAT loud. When the game ended, Arsenyo and I dumped beer and cider on Hudson. As payback, or in celebration, he picked me up and twirled. I got beer all over me because his pint was still in his hand. The other guys decided that Hudson had a great idea and did the same thing. I felt so special. Ben ended up on the table as well, and I have many videos of rounds of the Saints song. We ended up taking the night bus home and sang for most of the trip. We were sitting on the top level and were probably hated by everyone.

It was an amazing night. I was talking to Ben and Hudson about it at Spring Grove yesterday and it just brought a smile to all our faces. Ben hasn't been converted to a football fan, but he does like the Superbowl.

So amazing night, good game, and I did watch the commercials later. Commercials were okay...the E*Trade one was the best (of course). I did like the Betty White one as well.

06 February 2010

Lazyness at its finest

It's 46 degrees outside and I'm trying to dry my sheets outside...
Yes, I am way too lazy to walk up to the laundromat and go dry my sheets. I'm going to give it another half an hour and then take it to the laundromat. I hope I don't need to, but I feel it might have to happen. Booo.

So Seminar 2 has started. I actually have to do work. Wow. I have Winsome for Lecture and Alexander Masters for Seminar. Winsome's class though is more like a seminar so woohoo two seminars. Alexander Master's is okay, he's a little weird. He took pictures of us with each of us holding a number so he could remember our names and numbers. I thought he was kidding until he pulled out the digital camera. There's about 16 of us in the class and I only know Matt. This should be fun. Winsome's class has seven people in it including Colin Farrell. Yes, that is our name for him (Kathleen, MT, Jenny and myself). He does look a little like Mr. Farrell. Anyway, Chris and Stewart are in that class too. We had to introduce ourselves to the people to the left of us and I had to say hello to Chris. We didn't actually do the introduction exercise, but instead wondered who would be going to the pub later. Then we realized Winsome actually wanted us to tell what we learned so we improvised. Her class was good. We did the character game and I came up with a 45 year old woman from Cork. She's homeless too. I'm still pondering what was going through my head.

Other than class, I got a job. I'm working at the Surbiton Racket and Fitness Club. Yes, people work out and then get a beer. It's great. So I'm a bartender. I work the closing hours mostly. Next week I work Wednesday, Friday and Sunday. Thankfully, not this Monday, because it's SUPERBOWL! I believe I will be going to the King's College Student Union with Ben, Hudson, Lindsay, and Alex...maybe others. The party is going on until 5am. WOOHOO. Not that I care about either team (well other than I want Peyton Manning to get sacked on every drive), but it's the Superbowl. I have to watch it.

I really can't think what else has been going on. I woke up this morning to Jenny, Julie, MT, and Kathleen coming back from a 7 mile walk around Richmond Park. I, myself, have been taking some walks through Richmond Park, but not 7 miles. That's insane.

James's birthday party is tonight, so I'm looking forward to that. It's at the Big Guy Palace.

And that note, I should go. I should see what my laundry is doing.