05 September 2006

So I got annoyed with the way my webpage was turning out so I decided to take the easy way out and make a blog. I need a blog because I am spending my junior year abroad at Kingston University in Surrey, England! I hope you enjoy this page and enjoy looking at the pictures and reading about where I will be going in the next 10 months!

This whole thing about going to England... well I better begin to believe it because I leave in a week! A week! Um, yep I better get that one through my head. It's so amazing to think that I will be leaving in a week. I've been dreaming of this for so long, ever since high school and now I'm leaving in a week. I'm glad though that I won't be alone, and that some of my friends are coming too! It's going to be a good time, and though I still don't believe it, I know it will be one good TIME!

Oh and that picture above is Kingston Upon Thames from the river... HOOOOTTTTTT!

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