11 June 2007


Hey, so it's Monday evening, and it's Amaya and Cassie's last night. Cassie is out, and Amaya I believe just finished packing... all 5 of her bags. Um.

Anyway, I'm watching Darkplace right now, I turned it on while I was packing, but now I'm writing in my blog. Um. Tomorrow is my big packing day, and I actually have done a lot, well thrown out a lot. Let me describe Ely though.

I went up early on Saturday, and got up there around 1:15ish. I got to Kings Cross, and left from Platform 9. I was really excited about that... my last time going to Kings Cross, and I got to leave from near the Harry Potter platform... coolness. I got to Ely just fine, and interrupted Jenn's paper writing for her online class, but she came and picked me up. I had my bag that has wheels and Carmen with me, both filled. Carmen just had the tree, some clothes, and a few DVDs, while the other bag had my printer. I was glad to get to Ely though, it's a pain to be on the underground with so much stuff.

Jager was very excited to see me, what can I say dogs just love me. I also constantly play with Jager, so he saw fun times coming. I had only been there for a little bit, when Jenn asked if I wanted anything for lunch, well we ended up having hot dogs. I was so excited for hot dogs, I don't eat them here. The boys bought them once for the Superbowl, and they came in a can. WHAT? I don't think so. So it's been a while since I had one, and it was really good. American food is one thing I am looking forward to when I come home.

There was a BBQ that afternoon for Arthur's graduating class at work. So we went to that, and everyone was really nice. One of the guys is like three months older than me, he was happy that he wasn't the youngest, but wasn't pleased at the 3 months. Hahaha. It was fun, though for a lot of it, I was texting Jenna and Amaya. At Jenn's I saw the Matt Berry commercial where he's a volcano, it's for some water company, and I got really exciting. When I first saw these commercials I didn't realise it was him, but Jenna sent me the youtube link, and though it took like 5 hours to download I saw it, and realised that yes he is the volcano. I was in the kitchen talking to Jenn, and I heard his voice, and I basically ran into the living room. I texted Jenna, and she basically texted back the commercial. It was a little sick. She was a little bored I think, she sent me one text saying, "Howard, Howard, Howard....Hoowaaarrddd. Howard. Who do you think would win in a fight? Dr. Sanchez or Dixon Bainbridge?" Um same guy plays both, so I voted for the volcano.

Worst comment of the day goes to the someone at this BBQ! I had my hat on (OF COURSE), and when in London, if someone asks where you got it from, you can say, "Camden." And they know exactly what you mean. You don't need to add in the town, or "This cool market in northern London." No you can just say Camden. So when I was asked, I said "Camden." Someone asked, "Where?" And before I could reply, someone else said, "New Jersey." OUCH! I felt wounded. I was in a heck of a lot of pain. I looked in horror at the person who said that, and finally was able to say, "No in London. It's a market, it's so COOL!" But they did not understand. Alas. Of course I had a good Noel Fielding line to go along with this, but I held my tongue.

Sunday was good too, I watched The Simple Life while I packed three boxes, and Jager got really crazy. He doesn't like boxes or something... I don't know. Actually that morning, he kept stepping on me. He wanted to look out the window while I was still asleep, and instead of walking around me on the bed, he just stepped on me. It hurt. He's a silly dog.

Their neighbours came over for dinner though, it was the same family that invited us over for Christmas dinner. I talked with Ali, who loves me, she kidnapped me for a while at Christmas. Lol, it was okay. I played with the baby, she took a liking to me. We had some thing that I helped make... basically it was a cheeseburger but the ketchup and mustard were put in as the meat was cooking. It was a little bit like a sloppy joe. I tried to eat it, it was good, but I quickly got sick of the cheese in it, and it had melted so I couldn't take it out. Er. Stupid cheese. I cooked myself some hot dogs instead.

I really delayed my leaving... I left around 9pm. That kinda hurt me, but I know London well enough to be all right. Being the weekend the Circle and Northern Lines were shut down, and I needed the Circle Line. I got back pretty late, and took a tour of the Underground, just trying to get home. Thankfully I didn't have a big bag with me, so it was easier than coming.

But my last trip to Ely was good. It was sad to say good bye to Jenn and Arthur, I do like visiting them. When I go up, I do nothing all weekend, but it's fun just to sit and relax. Jager is fun to play with, he brings the ball back to you, so I spent a lot of time with him in the backyard playing catch. He seemed to enjoy it.

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