Okay, so sorry for the delay, but I've been trying to get my piece ready to workshop, and now I've caught Ms. Sophie's cold. Errrrr. I've already been sick for the year, and yet I have another sore throat. Not amused. I suppose I can forgive her, because she is cute and on her way to becoming a big Disney fan. Her face lights up at the sight of Pooh Bear!!!
Okay so Scotland Day 2. It started early...again. We, of course, meaning MT, Julie, and I were up nice and early and ready to get the front seats of the bus. MT's knee was still hurting, so she wanted the seat at the front which gave her a little room to stretch it out. I was feeling good after the time in the pub, so all was well.
Our first stop of the morning was the Field of Cairns and Loch Garry. Cairns are stone memorials to the dead, and there is this random field right by a loch full of cairns. These don't mean anything, well anything well known. It was beautiful though. The fog was still down in the loch, but rising. When we were leaving, I thought I saw a bridge going across the loch, but I couldn't be sure. It wasn't a large loch so it is a possibility that I saw something.
Part of the Field of Cairns.
Our next stop was unexpected. We went up this road, well road is one word for it...there was room for one car and our bus seemed a little too big for it. I believe it was off the road we were supposed to be on, but hey we saw a beautiful sight. We were across a loch from the Five Sister mountains. Guy wanted to preserve the beauty of his daughters so the faeries were like, "Sure we can do that for you." The next morning his daughters are gone and are mountains. Preserved forever. Gotta be careful with those faeries. So beautiful though. Both groups were there, and we had a fun time just staring and taking pictures. Here's one of the three of us.
So after the Five Sisters, we made one more stop before the Isle of Skye. A CASTLE! I really have a thing for castles. This castle, the Eilean Donan was used in Highlander (which I haven't seen), but I just saw it in another movie. Elizabeth: The Golden Age. I saw the movie the other day when I was in Ely, and I'm staring at the TV screen just thinking to myself...I know that castle. I thought it was unlikely that I could be right...but I was. I googled it. So when you watch that movie, the scenes with Mary Queen of Scots was filmed in Scotland at the Eilean Donan castle. Anyway, I walked all around the castle and was in heaven. It's in really good continue still. It was destroyed, but someone had a dream about what it used to look like and had it rebuilt. They found a sketch of the castle not too long ago, and the dream was pretty accurate.
So after that, we made our way to the Isle of Skye. I have to say this...I LOVE THE ISLE OF SKYE! It's so beautiful. It's all mountains and water and there is nothing wrong with that. I think Day 2 was the best day, and that's because everything was so beautiful. Loch Alsh was the most beautiful sight. I took a video there and like 25 pictures. We were in the land of the faeries, so as we through the gate we had to form a hug line. LOL! I was at the front of the line so I didn't have to hug anyone, just get a hug from MT. We stood by the cliffs and went down to get a better look at the waterfalls. There was even a ruin of a building down by the water and sheep were making a lot of noise. We took our group picture at Loch Alsh.
I still cannot believe how beautiful it was. I could never tire at looking at the lochs and the mountains. We saw cool formations of mountains aka faerie folklore like the Kilt Rock or the giant and his wife's leg. I So love folklore. I think the most beautiful sight, other than Loch Alsh was when we went up higher int the mountains. A movies have been filmed up here and I don't blame them. It was amazing. I've been using that word a lot, but that's what it was. It took awhile to get up into the mountains, and the road up was really small. There was room for one car, and it had spots to pass along it. It was the most beautiful day...the visibility was good, it wasn't too cold, so aka it was a perfect day. Even Chris was impressed.
We stopped in Portee for lunch which was this really adorable town. It has the only high school on the Isle of Skye so some people have to travel an hour and a half to go to school. It's a really ugly building. We had a really good meal at the Granary. Most people ate there. The Isle of Skye is also where I stuck my head in the river, but that story was told on my video in the last post.
It really was an amazing day. There's not too much to really tell because we spent all day going from one beautiful sight to another. The best way to describe the day is to see the pictures of it. I loved sitting in front as well, we got to see some really cool sights. I admit to sleeping on the way back from to the hostel, but by then it was getting dark and a movie was on. That put me right to sleep. We were entertained all day by Chris's stories and jokes, and I think he was happy to have people sitting in front who did sleep the entire time like Days 1 and 3.
So that was Scotland Day 2 really. When we got back to the hostel, we grabbed dinner and hung around the bar. It was a boring night. A lot of people went to sleep early and a few went down to the town.
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