Brighton was a big deal. Kathleen and I went from Friday late afternoon to Saturday afternoon. We went down to see Jen Montague who was our study abroad advisor when we were last here. She and Amaya were close and since it's been a year since Amaya died, we decided it was time to go see Jen. First of all, she has the cutest flat. Rumor on the streets says that Paul McCartney has a place right by hers, you know just beyond the big gate. But her place is adorable. Her kitchen is between the bedroom and living room and in the hall/kitchen is a picture that Jenna drew Jen before we left. It's a great picture. She has a little garden in the back. It's also right by the water. On the first floor of an apartment building (well of course, since it has a garden) but it's very Jenn. Kathleen and I would move in in a second. We got dinner at some Japanese place and then hit a few pubs. We went to a Finnish pub where I got to talk hockey with one of the guys. Always fun. Of course, we also hung out with this guy who sounds just like Borat. I am not kidding. He had Kathleen in stitches just by saying Hello and it's nice. It was a fun evening out with Jen and a different part of Brighton that I hadn't seen yet.

Saturday was about shopping (of course) and going to the Pier. We went to H&M and I got two shirts. Kathleen and I actually got the same shirt, but in different colors of course. We had breakfast at this little place, I got eggs on toast. Of course, I got the eggs off the toast at once (why would you put eggs on toast???), and Jen made fun of me when I got tea. She said I was becoming too English, but then I added three sugars into it and she decided that no, I was still American. We walked around Brighton, went on a ride on the Pier and tried to go to this Chocolate Cafe, but it was closed for a private party. I was in tears. We did go to a cafe, and I got a piece of cake which put me to sleep about an hour later as soon as I got on the bus. It was a really chill but fun time with Jen. I forgot to mention that when we were waiting for her to pick us up at the bus station, we had been waiting for about 10 minutes when a bus started pulling into the spot next to where our bus was still parked. I told Kathleen that when the bus turned the corner, Jen would be standing there waiting for us. WHO WAS THERE WHEN THE BUS TURNED THE CORNER??? JEN! I acted like I won a car on the Price is Right. It was so funny.

I'm not really going to mention Jager, who died last week, because you know, I'm not completely okay with it. I was at work when it happened and thankfully I was going skating on Sunday so that helped me take my mind off it. On Sunday, Victoria and Jenny went out with me and we did a Jagerbomb. Okay, well Victoria downed her shot before I could put together my Jagerbomb, but still. It was nice. We talked, nursed a pint and enjoyed each other's company.
But to skating was good, I wore my Peter Forsberg jersey and I was the only one wearing a jersey. It was weird. CJ came with me. It felt so good to be on the ice and with my own skates. The rental skates have no support are old and just look uncomfortable. So I was happy to have my skates. I jumped a few times before I got yelled at. CJ tried to moon walk on the ice and jump, but he too got yelled at. Not for the moon walk. At the end of the session, we lingered at the opposite end of the ice from where the doors were and we sprinted. It was a very close race. CJ can skate, he has much longer legs, but I had confidence in my skates and my ability to stop. I sprayed the boards really well. I actually scared a couple earlier in the day when CJ asked if I could stop quickly when I was going at a fast pace. So I skated blue line to blue line and stopped and this couple next to me were slowly skating and apparently I made one of them jump. Hehe. At the end though, a woman asked me if I played hockey and would I be interested in playing in the area. I said yes and we exchanged numbers that she is going to pass on to someone named Alice, but I haven't heard anything back yet. I hope to be able to play, it would be a lot of fun. I really do miss hockey.
Work is going well. I'm really stepping up my work out incase I do start playing hockey. I was HURTING on Tuesday. I did a full workout on Monday and yeah, I couldn't move on Tuesday. I'm better now and I walked to the gym ON MY DAY OFF. I know, be proud.
I'm on break right now from school. Going to Malta soon and hopefully will be meeting up with a friend in a few weeks. Fingers are crossed.
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