12 July 2010

Times in gardens and pubs

So a few pictures from the last few days...

Let me explain this day. World Cup Final. Yesterday (Sunday) we, being me, Sammi, Victoria, Jenny, Ivann, his friend, Rebecca, Tim (Ivan's brother), Sammi's friend, Amanda and Nick all went to the Victoria to watch the game. Ever since Sammi moved to Subriton I think I've been there every day! It's really weird, but I like Surbiton and seeing Sammi is a plus. We hung out in her back garden for a few hours and then went to the pub. I didn't care which team won since I don't bandwagon, but it was 50/50 on Holland and Spain. By the end of the game, most everyone wanted Spain to win since Holland were playing slightly dirty. It must have been the whole Dutch player kicking the Spanish player in the chest. When the Spanish player fell, I laughed and yelled that he should just get up, but then I saw the replay. He probably got a bruise on his chest in the form of a shoe. Poor guy. For football though, it was an okay game, though I still don't understand how the score doesn't get high. It took until like 20 minutes in OT for someone to score...really now? Anyway, Sammi, Rebecca, and I stayed until almost close and then we went home. And so ends the World Cup. It's been a fun month of complaining about how stupid of a sport football is and that the players should submit some of their antics to the Oscars. We have a month before the English football league starts up... how does this country survive???

The back garden. On Friday, Sammi, Victoria, Amanda, Jenny, and I watched movies all day. Since I'm around smokers, we were out on the fire escape for large portions of the day while they destroyed their lungs. The neighbors were not amused and they yelled at us to keep it down. It was 3pm on Friday afternoon. Get a job people. So we decided that on Sunday, we should have a picnic in the back garden. No, we aren't evil at all. So that's part of the group. A lot of pictures were taken. Ivan stole Jenny's camera for good part of the day and I took Sammi's. She couldn't get it to work, but I did. I actually went to the pub with it still in my pocket. Opps. In the back garden is where I met Rebecca, one of Sammi's friends who work at Starbucks. Yes, I'm friendly more Starbucks people. Yes, I feel like I'm cheating on Shorty. I like Rebecca though. We got on well and she's joining us on Thursday when we see the Mystery Jets at New Slang!!!

Just a picture of Jenny and myself at the Victoria.

Me, Sammi, and Rebecca.

Other than the last few days, I spend most of the week either working or writing. I got my story up from 8,000 words to 11,615. WOOHOO! Yes, I am very proud of myself. I meet with Nick on Wednesday to discuss my story.

And I got my results back. I got a 63 in one class and a 67 in the other. YEAH!

One more picture of me.

As Sammi would say, "I'm lovely." Lol.

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