13 December 2006

Last Day of Classes

Hey so today was it. Last day of classes for the semester. I had 18th Century today, and the only class I am happy to leave behind. Well wait, Brycchan is awesome, I think he's a great teacher and I enjoyed being a student of his. But the subject... ahhhh I do not like the 18th Century. Well maybe I would like it more if we did not focus on "Satire and Sensibility" but since that is part of the class title, well I had no idea what I was getting into.

Today's class was interesting, we went over the grading system in England, and got back our essay plans. I got a 55, which is a C. Which is pretty good, because his comments said that I was very informal in the essay and well sarcastic. I know, be surprised. I read it right before I passed it in, and yes I was very sarcastic. I don't do essay plans, I write essays as it comes to me. I always write them out first and then type them, but on the essay plan I just typed it. When I type something, I sometimes whisper what I'm going to say as I type it, so of course it's sarcastic. Like he wanted us to write our thesis statement... oh that's a laugh. I have no idea what my thesis is going to be, and I could write it, but it will change 5 times before it reaches my computer. So after my thesis I said, "This is probably a run on sentence and will change at least 5 times before I come up with something that is not junk." That's not that sarcastic, and he had a problem with the word probably. Um, guess that's the informal part. Oh well, he did say at the end that he has high hopes for my paper since I write well, and under all the sarcasm he says I have a good argument. YES! I so worried because he gave us a grammar lesson... hahah.

In seminar we talked about anything but Sense and Sensibility since no one in the room was writing their paper about it. Instead we just talked about our papers, topics and how we were going to go about doing them. It wasn't bad, we had an interesting conversation about the 18th century.

But the end of classes... my thoughts on my first semester done, um well it was very interesting. I've never had a seminar class, in the US teachers lecture the whole time and you are lucky if you get to say if you liked the novel or not. Here they dedicate a whole hour to talking about the different novels. I love that, and I had a great 19th century seminar. Jane got so into it, we got really into, and conversation never died down. Matt was interesting, he did more work on finding passages about this and that, but he had to because no one was as vocal as Jane's seminar.

I think I learned a lot, I learned so much about the 19th Century haha, and I think I can read novels better. Well with the 18th and 19th centuries there is hidden meanings in everything, and I've gotten better and reading about a storm, and thinking, "wait that's not just a storm!" It was a cool experience in these classes, I enjoyed going to class, and I look forward to next semester. I am thankful for Core, it gave me an edge on the others in 18th Century and sometimes in Renaissance Drama. I swear people tried to scare me about the British educational system but that was stupid. You have a lot of independent work to do, but I'm an English major, independent work is reading. That's easy, except if it's like Joseph Andrews, then it's just brutal.

So we have Farewell Drinks on Friday, and then by the end of next week all the semester long students are gone. Sad. Martin and Baz will be leaving soon for home, Kathleen is traveling, Amaya is going home, and Cassie is traveling too. That leaves just me and 5 papers! If I didn't finish my script a month ago it would be 6. Go me. Next week is paper week, yeah I'm so excited.

P.S Happy Birthday Baz! He almost didn't tell us, and I'm sure he regrets it. We sang Happy Birthday to him! He loved every second of it.

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