08 December 2006

Not Even Lucky Charms are worth $13

Hey, so let me tell you about my week. Classes went well, we are reading Tess of the D'Urbervilles, by Thomas Hardy in 19th Century Novel, and I love it! What a good book, and a way to end the term. Scriptwriting, Renaissance Drama and 18th Century were good too, and only a week left. Sad, I really enjoy my classes.

But Wednesday was the day that things happened. After class, I went into London to see Monica and Corynn. I met them in Sloane Square, which I had never been to before so this was quite an adventure. I got off at Wimbledon and took the District line there, instead of going all the way in to Waterloo and then back out again. So at Sloane Square, I followed Monica's directions to where she was, which was the back of a grocery store where this was this little cafe. I thought she said they were outside, so I was looking for them, and I passed the window of the grocery store and stopped dead in my tracks. I saw Fruit by the Foot! I looked closer and saw Lucky Charms, Gushers (which I don't like but whatever) and all this American food. I rushed in, went right to it and nearly died. There was Kraft Mac and Cheese, Tuna Fish, Miracle Whip, real Pickles... everything I love in this world. I was so excited. And then I saw the price... 7 pounds for a box of Lucky Charms! WHAT! Are you nuts! Lucky Charms isn't even worth that! Now JIF maybe worth it's price, but I forget what it was. England lacks good peanut butter. There was Fluff too... Mac and Cheese was like 2 pounds for a box... ahhhhh. So sad. Oh well.

So we just walked up this street, and then down it, looking at all the shops and the lack of decorations in London. Until Monica pointed it out, I hadn't noticed, but I haven't seen many Christmas decorations in London. I was around Trafalgar Square, Big Ben, Buckingham Palace and Pic Circus and I didn't see any lights. Harrods just has the usual lights, and Harvey Nichols isn't impressive either. It was really sad.

So we ate at the Chelsea Kitchen, because that's where we were- Chelsea. Nothing like Chelsea, MA... this is more like Newton, MA. Well this whole area is, um Kensington, Knightsbridge it's all rich and just proves how much money I do not have. Chelsea Kitchen was GOOD though, I got pork chops with apple sauce and a salad. And of course no British meal is complete without chips. It was a good choice.

After we ate, we walked around a little more, and then in the square some Church group was singing Christmas carols. Now Monica was interested because last time she heard Christmas carols at Oxford, she didn't know any of the songs. But this time around, we knew them all, they were all the usual. She was telling me though that one of her British friends Hannah has never seen Charlie Brown Christmas or Rodolph! WHAT! Her childhood was a sad one I think. But anyway, it was nice to hear the carols, and then we parted company. Well Monica came back to Kingston, and Corynn went to Oxford.

So Elizabeth Street wins for the most decorations, and nothing of importance is on that street. Expect of course the Chocolate Society. That was nicely decorated... yummy. Oxford and Kingston have much more Christmas lights than London, it's kinda sad. Oxford's lights have been up since Halloween according to Monica.

Monica and I got to the Bridge House, and I was thinking, Um we haven't had a fire alarm this week. Yep, just as we were going to bed we had one. So she got to meet Nye (not the science guy) and Victor. It was the first floor again... it is so annoying to have a fire alarm like every week.

So we went to bed for 5 hours and got up early to go to Cardiff, but I think that will be it's own post. Til then.

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