So this post will conclude England, and I just thought I would wrap up everything. A year ago, I was so excited about going, I was unsure about what I was getting into, and naive about the opportunities soon to be available to me. Not long after getting to England, I started to realise what the year would contain, and I knew I was in for a good time. I guess the best thing I can say about England is I lived. I was alive the whole time, I took advantage of every opportunity, I didn't hold back, and I had the most amazing year of my life. I think I learned and matured a lot, I found something that I enjoy that is not hockey, which is amazing to me. I just remember being at Logan on 12 September and asking, "Okay, so I check in here... and then do what?" I didn't know that much about flying, or going to another country... but now all of that is routine. I can handle being in a new country, with no idea where I'm going, I transition right into city touring mode, and I'm good to go. As I told Danielle when we were in Greece, that this might be her first time in a non English speaking country, but it was not mine or Kathleen's, and she had to drop the age superior tone that she always uses, and start trusting and listening to us. She half listened.
As my travels go I must say Norway was probably the coolest trip because of the two girls I went with. That was Jenna and Kathleen, and the whole trip we kept quoting the Boosh, and singing Bright Eyes. We especially quoted Old Gregg since we had just seen the clip seconds before leaving. That was a fun time, we never got on each other's nerves, and we saw a lot in a little amount of time. It was really good.
Overall best trip of course was Greece and Rome, and that is because of the history of the two places. Rome was amazing, I still cannot believe I've been to the Colosseum, the Vatican, Marcus Aurelius lane... all the different sights in Rome. What an amazing city. I cannot wait to go back. Of course Athens was so cool with those sandwiches we got that I still dream about at night. Ohhh wow. Sitting in the square eating them.. yummy. Or looking down at the Acropolis and eating our dinners... just amazing.
What else can be said about London? I love it, I know it well, and I feel I did it right. I went almost every chance I could, I walked all the parks, saw all the statues, and ate all the gelato I could in Leicester Square. What more do you need in life? I'm glad I was there for the year, I feel it gave me more time to learn the city, instead of being in Europe every weekend trying to see all of it in 10-12 weeks. I did things at my own pace, found my favourite spots in London, and enjoyed just sitting there and taking it all in. London has my heart, what can I say?
I've talked a lot about Amaya, Kathleen, and Jenna, but I don't know if I ever mentioned how much I adore them, I guess is a good word for it. Jenna basically lived in our flat, but I never minded. She was always great to have around, always showing us new shows, and making us laugh. Kathleen and Amaya are brilliant too, I do miss them. The boys I miss too, I miss seeing Martin come in rubbing his eyes at 6:30pm from his afternoon nap. LOL. Oh Martin.
I'll never have another year like this past one, it was once in a lifetime experience, but I'll always have my memories, pictures, and my friends to talk to. I text or skype them, this morning I sent the tragic pub episode to Amaya via skype, so they were very excited about that. Oh Hollyoaks, I would cry if it was not in my life anymore. Thank you BBC America.
There's no point dwelling in the past, I enjoy telling the stories, and looking at the pictures, but there is no point in wishing I was still there, or being mad that the year is over. I have no regrets, I lived fully, I had a good time, and now it's time to look to the future. I have hockey again, I just played my first games last night. I scored about 4-5 goals, and I think I did well. I should look forward to the summer, and going back to Maine, even though I know I will miss the Bridge House, and being so close to London. But that year is over, and I'm so glad I went. I have talked to many college graduates, and that is one of their biggest regrets... not going abroad. I can see that, it's a wonderful experience.
So it's been brilliant sharing my adventures, but without London, and the constant entertainment that is Kathleen, Amaya and Jenna, I'm not really sure I have much to write about. I'm back in the normal routine of life, going to St. Bs and doing work for them, playing hockey, and watching the Boosh. That of course, is now in the list of normal, every day activities. That is one of the best things about this past year, I was introduced to some great TV, and a whole new world of actors.
So that's it. Good bye to this blog. It's been a good time.
20 June 2007
18 June 2007
The final day in London
I started writing a post about this day right before leaving England, but found myself unable to get past the first few lines. Even now, a few days later, I wonder if I can put into words exactly what it felt to know that this would be the last time I would be seeing some of these places that I have fallen in love with, well it won't be the last time, but for awhile. It is one comforting thought that has helped since leaving, but my heart is in London, and nothing can change that.
My last day in London started early, I met Monica around 1o:15am in Trafalgar Square. She had gotten to London about 15 minutes before me, so she walked around Buckingham Palace, and St. James Park. When we met up, we walked down to Green Park since Monica wasn't sure she had seen it before. As we walked, we talked about London, leaving... the usually topics. I mentioned Camden Town, and she said that she had not been there before. You cannot leave London without visiting Camden Town, so upon reaching Green Park, we took the Underground to Camden. Monica liked it, she is a fan of those kinds of markets, and Camden is the biggest market around. We walked around, and I gave her the Boosh tour... just pointing out where Noel hangs out, the pub from Sweet, and just pointing out that the main street was used in Sweet too. We walked through the markets, and then got lunch. I, of course, got pizza, and it was so good.
After Camden, we went to Oxford Circus, which we figured out was close to Regents Park. Monica had not been to Oxford Circus either, so I showed her that big shopping street, and of course Topshop. (Topshop... Topshop) Sorry, had to write in the Boosh reference, when I was writing it, I said it the way Noel does... hahaha. Anyway, so we walked away from the Pic, and the touristy sites, and came upon Regents Park. It was really lucky actually, I just had an idea where it was, but it was right down the street from Oxford Circus. We passed the BBC building, which I had not seen before. How much I owe the BBC...
Anyway, Regents Park. So beautiful!!! Fountains and flowers everywhere!! Of course, there was many people around, having picnics, or just people watching on the grass. We walked around the park for a few minutes, taking in all the different sites, and it was really nice. A good way to end the year. We stopped and sat under a tree for awhile, we had been walking for a while, and my feet killed. We sat and talked, just thinking about how weird it was when we first arrived in England, and how we didn't know anything about London, or the Underground. Monica showed me around that time, she had been to London before, and now I was taking her to Camden and Regents Park. I know London now like the back of my hand... and it has taken lots of time and effort. Heheh, all time well used.
Walking through Regents Park, we came upon the London Zoo, but we didn't go in. We didn't really have time, but it was nice to see another place used for the HP movies. They used it in the first movie of course. Of course, by the Zoo, we reached the main road, and we both just wondered where we were, and how to get back to Victoria, or somewhere in the area. Monica was planning on going back to Oxford around 3ish, to get back before her friend left. We found a sign to stuff nearby, and we started walking toward an Underground station. I saw a sign for St. Johns Wood, and JOKINGLY I said we could go to Abbey Road. Monica though being a Beatles fan, did not see it as a joke, but a really good suggestion. She asked, I relented, and we walked to St. Johns Wood. It was about a mile, according to the sign, but in reality it was more like 2- 2 1/2 miles. It wasn't that bad, though my legs killed!
At Abbey Road, I of course had to take Monica's picture as she walked across the crosswalk. We had to do it twice, since I guess the first time I took it from the wrong angle. I had no idea, I really don't look at the picture much. After looking at Abbey Road, and thinking, "Um cool", it was time to go. We took the Underground down to Green Park, where Monica switched lines for the Victoria Line. That is where Monica and I said good bye, and see you in the States. It was a little hard to say good bye for now, I mean, we dreamed about going to England for so long, and now we were leaving. Where did the year go?
After I left Monica, I walked around Green Park, then up to the Pic, where I said good bye, and then over to Leicester Square. I got gelato one last time, and ate it on the steps of Trafalgar Square. I started to walk over to Buckingham Palace, but I saw a big group of people going to the Horse Guard Academy, so I followed. There was about 5 or 6 horses with riders standing in a straight line just waiting for something. A few minutes after waiting, another group of horses came, and their riders were dressed a little differently than the group already there. The group came up and walked around the horses, and the stopped opposite of them. I'm not completely sure what was going on, but I imagine it was some practice thing for the Queen's Birthday which was a few days later. It was a pretty cool thing, I liked when the horses backed up, their rider did not look, and no horse hit another. Though when they were trying to move over a little bit, the horses did not like when they were hit by the other. That was funny. After watching that, I went over to St. James Park, walked around a little bit, but my feet were still tired, so I sat on the grass and fell asleep for about 40 minutes. Opps.
I took pictures of the park, and then walked back to Trafalgar Square where I took a few pictures, but then just stared at Nelson, and the National Gallery. My favorite place in London, well one of them. I have spent so much time on the steps of Trafalgar Square just staring out at the people, the kids climbing on the lions, Big Ben in the distance... Oh Trafalgar Square. It was probably the hardest good bye... I always have a hard time leaving the square, even when it won't be the last time in London. I fell in love with Trafalgar the first time I saw it, there is something about it.
I walked down to Westminster Abbey, said good bye, and then sat down below Big Ben and waited. The hour was coming up, and I wanted to hear the bells one more time. I took a video of it, just to always remember it, until I see it again. I sat there for a few minutes after the hour, and then walked over the Westminster Bridge. I stood on the bridge and just looked out at London and the Thames one last time. I love the Thames, and the boats that go up the river... it's just a beautiful sight to me. I stood by the banks for awhile, unable to walk away from Big Ben, the river... the sights that I love so much. I finally did, it was hard, very hard. I went to Waterloo one last time, boarded a train to Surbiton, and left London. It was ten times harder than leaving Rome, and I thought that was unbearable. I will see the city again, I know this, but it was still so hard to leave. I love London so much...
I got home around 7ish, and finished packing. That is when I tried to write, but found myself unable to think. I instead watched Snuffbox and Darkplace, trying to take my mind off the next day. I have dreaded these days since I arrived, I fell in love so fast, that I knew departing would probably kill me. I keep reminding myself that I will go back, but until I do, I have my memories and pictures to remind me of the times I had.
Well that is my last day in London. I'll post again, as a good bye. I'm not sure I will continue the blog, it's for England, and now I'm home. What's the point?
My last day in London started early, I met Monica around 1o:15am in Trafalgar Square. She had gotten to London about 15 minutes before me, so she walked around Buckingham Palace, and St. James Park. When we met up, we walked down to Green Park since Monica wasn't sure she had seen it before. As we walked, we talked about London, leaving... the usually topics. I mentioned Camden Town, and she said that she had not been there before. You cannot leave London without visiting Camden Town, so upon reaching Green Park, we took the Underground to Camden. Monica liked it, she is a fan of those kinds of markets, and Camden is the biggest market around. We walked around, and I gave her the Boosh tour... just pointing out where Noel hangs out, the pub from Sweet, and just pointing out that the main street was used in Sweet too. We walked through the markets, and then got lunch. I, of course, got pizza, and it was so good.
After Camden, we went to Oxford Circus, which we figured out was close to Regents Park. Monica had not been to Oxford Circus either, so I showed her that big shopping street, and of course Topshop. (Topshop... Topshop) Sorry, had to write in the Boosh reference, when I was writing it, I said it the way Noel does... hahaha. Anyway, so we walked away from the Pic, and the touristy sites, and came upon Regents Park. It was really lucky actually, I just had an idea where it was, but it was right down the street from Oxford Circus. We passed the BBC building, which I had not seen before. How much I owe the BBC...
Anyway, Regents Park. So beautiful!!! Fountains and flowers everywhere!! Of course, there was many people around, having picnics, or just people watching on the grass. We walked around the park for a few minutes, taking in all the different sites, and it was really nice. A good way to end the year. We stopped and sat under a tree for awhile, we had been walking for a while, and my feet killed. We sat and talked, just thinking about how weird it was when we first arrived in England, and how we didn't know anything about London, or the Underground. Monica showed me around that time, she had been to London before, and now I was taking her to Camden and Regents Park. I know London now like the back of my hand... and it has taken lots of time and effort. Heheh, all time well used.
Walking through Regents Park, we came upon the London Zoo, but we didn't go in. We didn't really have time, but it was nice to see another place used for the HP movies. They used it in the first movie of course. Of course, by the Zoo, we reached the main road, and we both just wondered where we were, and how to get back to Victoria, or somewhere in the area. Monica was planning on going back to Oxford around 3ish, to get back before her friend left. We found a sign to stuff nearby, and we started walking toward an Underground station. I saw a sign for St. Johns Wood, and JOKINGLY I said we could go to Abbey Road. Monica though being a Beatles fan, did not see it as a joke, but a really good suggestion. She asked, I relented, and we walked to St. Johns Wood. It was about a mile, according to the sign, but in reality it was more like 2- 2 1/2 miles. It wasn't that bad, though my legs killed!
At Abbey Road, I of course had to take Monica's picture as she walked across the crosswalk. We had to do it twice, since I guess the first time I took it from the wrong angle. I had no idea, I really don't look at the picture much. After looking at Abbey Road, and thinking, "Um cool", it was time to go. We took the Underground down to Green Park, where Monica switched lines for the Victoria Line. That is where Monica and I said good bye, and see you in the States. It was a little hard to say good bye for now, I mean, we dreamed about going to England for so long, and now we were leaving. Where did the year go?
After I left Monica, I walked around Green Park, then up to the Pic, where I said good bye, and then over to Leicester Square. I got gelato one last time, and ate it on the steps of Trafalgar Square. I started to walk over to Buckingham Palace, but I saw a big group of people going to the Horse Guard Academy, so I followed. There was about 5 or 6 horses with riders standing in a straight line just waiting for something. A few minutes after waiting, another group of horses came, and their riders were dressed a little differently than the group already there. The group came up and walked around the horses, and the stopped opposite of them. I'm not completely sure what was going on, but I imagine it was some practice thing for the Queen's Birthday which was a few days later. It was a pretty cool thing, I liked when the horses backed up, their rider did not look, and no horse hit another. Though when they were trying to move over a little bit, the horses did not like when they were hit by the other. That was funny. After watching that, I went over to St. James Park, walked around a little bit, but my feet were still tired, so I sat on the grass and fell asleep for about 40 minutes. Opps.
I took pictures of the park, and then walked back to Trafalgar Square where I took a few pictures, but then just stared at Nelson, and the National Gallery. My favorite place in London, well one of them. I have spent so much time on the steps of Trafalgar Square just staring out at the people, the kids climbing on the lions, Big Ben in the distance... Oh Trafalgar Square. It was probably the hardest good bye... I always have a hard time leaving the square, even when it won't be the last time in London. I fell in love with Trafalgar the first time I saw it, there is something about it.
I walked down to Westminster Abbey, said good bye, and then sat down below Big Ben and waited. The hour was coming up, and I wanted to hear the bells one more time. I took a video of it, just to always remember it, until I see it again. I sat there for a few minutes after the hour, and then walked over the Westminster Bridge. I stood on the bridge and just looked out at London and the Thames one last time. I love the Thames, and the boats that go up the river... it's just a beautiful sight to me. I stood by the banks for awhile, unable to walk away from Big Ben, the river... the sights that I love so much. I finally did, it was hard, very hard. I went to Waterloo one last time, boarded a train to Surbiton, and left London. It was ten times harder than leaving Rome, and I thought that was unbearable. I will see the city again, I know this, but it was still so hard to leave. I love London so much...
I got home around 7ish, and finished packing. That is when I tried to write, but found myself unable to think. I instead watched Snuffbox and Darkplace, trying to take my mind off the next day. I have dreaded these days since I arrived, I fell in love so fast, that I knew departing would probably kill me. I keep reminding myself that I will go back, but until I do, I have my memories and pictures to remind me of the times I had.
Well that is my last day in London. I'll post again, as a good bye. I'm not sure I will continue the blog, it's for England, and now I'm home. What's the point?
12 June 2007
A Day of Goodbyes
Hey, so I just said good bye to Jenna and Danielle. I had a really good bye with Jenna, I spent the day with her. Some time ago Jenna asked if I would help her get her sleeping bag into it's bag it's L.L Bean so it's really handy and convenient, meaning it can fit into a Ziploc bag basically. It takes two people, and she thought my strength would be helpful, and of course I agreed. I went to school today to pick up a paper, and meet Jenna, but I asked if she wanted to do lunch, so when she finally got to school, we went to Pizza Experts once more. That place could pay for my education, actually for 3D's education. Jenna and Danielle met Bas in there the other day... lol. Oh well. So we got pizza, and sat by the river and ate it, talking about everything under the sun. Out of everyone here, I'm probably going to miss Jenna the most, well along with Kathleen. It was really fun to sit by the river and devour the pizza. Lol. Over the course of our day, we had a discussion about Matt Berry's pointing ability, and how much we love it. When I showed Monica the Boosh, it was the episode where Matt Berry does this great point at Naboo, and I commented about how great of a pointer he is, and Monica looked at me really weirdly. Jenna understands though, we were walking down the street pointing at each other, and doing the point he does during the Diary song. So great.
Anyway, I helped Jenna put her sleeping bag in it's bag, it took awhile, a few restarts, but we did it. She bought me ice cream for it, because she wanted some, and it was my reward. She could never have done it by herself. After ice cream though, I went home, I really had to pack. She did too, since she is leaving tomorrow. I agreed to meet her and Danielle at Wag's later, Danielle wanted to say good bye, and she had my Rome and Greece Photo CDs.
So I actually just left them, I sat by the river for a few minutes after, but then I got hungry. The whole time I sat there, I kept playing One Track Lover by Matt Berry over and over again. No matter how sad you are, it makes you grin, and then Richard Ayoade's part makes you laugh. Actually, the whole song puts me in a good mood, it just hit Garth's slow part... it's amazing. This and Love Games, from the Boosh put me in a good mood, which of course only lasts 3 minutes.
I am looking forward to going home, there are some things I miss, but there is something about England, and Europe too. I love it, I love sitting in a pub for hours just talking, or walking everything. I love the walk between Seething Wells and the Bridge House. London of course has my heart, and tomorrow I have to say good bye to it. I've met so many amazing people here, that it is hard, but I do have to remember that I have friends in the States who eagerly await my arrival.
Oh I forgot to mention this morning. Amaya and Cassie left, I never saw Cassie leave, not sure how I missed that one. I was really sad about Amaya leaving, and she woke me up at 7:45am looking for toilet paper. When I heard her calling me, I jumped up out of bed thinking she wanted to say good bye. But then she told me it was 7:45am, and I had not slept through my alarm, and she still had about an hour an a half before it was time for her to go. I was a little angry. Anyway, Nye and I just sat in her room, and laughed at all her bags, and the stuff she had to keep donating because she had no room for it. I will be donating stuff too, but not as much as Amaya. But she got picked up by a private car, she had like 5 bags... and that was sad saying good bye to her.
Oh well, I think my dinner is ready.
Anyway, I helped Jenna put her sleeping bag in it's bag, it took awhile, a few restarts, but we did it. She bought me ice cream for it, because she wanted some, and it was my reward. She could never have done it by herself. After ice cream though, I went home, I really had to pack. She did too, since she is leaving tomorrow. I agreed to meet her and Danielle at Wag's later, Danielle wanted to say good bye, and she had my Rome and Greece Photo CDs.
So I actually just left them, I sat by the river for a few minutes after, but then I got hungry. The whole time I sat there, I kept playing One Track Lover by Matt Berry over and over again. No matter how sad you are, it makes you grin, and then Richard Ayoade's part makes you laugh. Actually, the whole song puts me in a good mood, it just hit Garth's slow part... it's amazing. This and Love Games, from the Boosh put me in a good mood, which of course only lasts 3 minutes.
I am looking forward to going home, there are some things I miss, but there is something about England, and Europe too. I love it, I love sitting in a pub for hours just talking, or walking everything. I love the walk between Seething Wells and the Bridge House. London of course has my heart, and tomorrow I have to say good bye to it. I've met so many amazing people here, that it is hard, but I do have to remember that I have friends in the States who eagerly await my arrival.
Oh I forgot to mention this morning. Amaya and Cassie left, I never saw Cassie leave, not sure how I missed that one. I was really sad about Amaya leaving, and she woke me up at 7:45am looking for toilet paper. When I heard her calling me, I jumped up out of bed thinking she wanted to say good bye. But then she told me it was 7:45am, and I had not slept through my alarm, and she still had about an hour an a half before it was time for her to go. I was a little angry. Anyway, Nye and I just sat in her room, and laughed at all her bags, and the stuff she had to keep donating because she had no room for it. I will be donating stuff too, but not as much as Amaya. But she got picked up by a private car, she had like 5 bags... and that was sad saying good bye to her.
Oh well, I think my dinner is ready.
11 June 2007
Hey, so it's Monday evening, and it's Amaya and Cassie's last night. Cassie is out, and Amaya I believe just finished packing... all 5 of her bags. Um.
Anyway, I'm watching Darkplace right now, I turned it on while I was packing, but now I'm writing in my blog. Um. Tomorrow is my big packing day, and I actually have done a lot, well thrown out a lot. Let me describe Ely though.
I went up early on Saturday, and got up there around 1:15ish. I got to Kings Cross, and left from Platform 9. I was really excited about that... my last time going to Kings Cross, and I got to leave from near the Harry Potter platform... coolness. I got to Ely just fine, and interrupted Jenn's paper writing for her online class, but she came and picked me up. I had my bag that has wheels and Carmen with me, both filled. Carmen just had the tree, some clothes, and a few DVDs, while the other bag had my printer. I was glad to get to Ely though, it's a pain to be on the underground with so much stuff.
Jager was very excited to see me, what can I say dogs just love me. I also constantly play with Jager, so he saw fun times coming. I had only been there for a little bit, when Jenn asked if I wanted anything for lunch, well we ended up having hot dogs. I was so excited for hot dogs, I don't eat them here. The boys bought them once for the Superbowl, and they came in a can. WHAT? I don't think so. So it's been a while since I had one, and it was really good. American food is one thing I am looking forward to when I come home.
There was a BBQ that afternoon for Arthur's graduating class at work. So we went to that, and everyone was really nice. One of the guys is like three months older than me, he was happy that he wasn't the youngest, but wasn't pleased at the 3 months. Hahaha. It was fun, though for a lot of it, I was texting Jenna and Amaya. At Jenn's I saw the Matt Berry commercial where he's a volcano, it's for some water company, and I got really exciting. When I first saw these commercials I didn't realise it was him, but Jenna sent me the youtube link, and though it took like 5 hours to download I saw it, and realised that yes he is the volcano. I was in the kitchen talking to Jenn, and I heard his voice, and I basically ran into the living room. I texted Jenna, and she basically texted back the commercial. It was a little sick. She was a little bored I think, she sent me one text saying, "Howard, Howard, Howard....Hoowaaarrddd. Howard. Who do you think would win in a fight? Dr. Sanchez or Dixon Bainbridge?" Um same guy plays both, so I voted for the volcano.
Worst comment of the day goes to the someone at this BBQ! I had my hat on (OF COURSE), and when in London, if someone asks where you got it from, you can say, "Camden." And they know exactly what you mean. You don't need to add in the town, or "This cool market in northern London." No you can just say Camden. So when I was asked, I said "Camden." Someone asked, "Where?" And before I could reply, someone else said, "New Jersey." OUCH! I felt wounded. I was in a heck of a lot of pain. I looked in horror at the person who said that, and finally was able to say, "No in London. It's a market, it's so COOL!" But they did not understand. Alas. Of course I had a good Noel Fielding line to go along with this, but I held my tongue.
Sunday was good too, I watched The Simple Life while I packed three boxes, and Jager got really crazy. He doesn't like boxes or something... I don't know. Actually that morning, he kept stepping on me. He wanted to look out the window while I was still asleep, and instead of walking around me on the bed, he just stepped on me. It hurt. He's a silly dog.
Their neighbours came over for dinner though, it was the same family that invited us over for Christmas dinner. I talked with Ali, who loves me, she kidnapped me for a while at Christmas. Lol, it was okay. I played with the baby, she took a liking to me. We had some thing that I helped make... basically it was a cheeseburger but the ketchup and mustard were put in as the meat was cooking. It was a little bit like a sloppy joe. I tried to eat it, it was good, but I quickly got sick of the cheese in it, and it had melted so I couldn't take it out. Er. Stupid cheese. I cooked myself some hot dogs instead.
I really delayed my leaving... I left around 9pm. That kinda hurt me, but I know London well enough to be all right. Being the weekend the Circle and Northern Lines were shut down, and I needed the Circle Line. I got back pretty late, and took a tour of the Underground, just trying to get home. Thankfully I didn't have a big bag with me, so it was easier than coming.
But my last trip to Ely was good. It was sad to say good bye to Jenn and Arthur, I do like visiting them. When I go up, I do nothing all weekend, but it's fun just to sit and relax. Jager is fun to play with, he brings the ball back to you, so I spent a lot of time with him in the backyard playing catch. He seemed to enjoy it.
Anyway, I'm watching Darkplace right now, I turned it on while I was packing, but now I'm writing in my blog. Um. Tomorrow is my big packing day, and I actually have done a lot, well thrown out a lot. Let me describe Ely though.
I went up early on Saturday, and got up there around 1:15ish. I got to Kings Cross, and left from Platform 9. I was really excited about that... my last time going to Kings Cross, and I got to leave from near the Harry Potter platform... coolness. I got to Ely just fine, and interrupted Jenn's paper writing for her online class, but she came and picked me up. I had my bag that has wheels and Carmen with me, both filled. Carmen just had the tree, some clothes, and a few DVDs, while the other bag had my printer. I was glad to get to Ely though, it's a pain to be on the underground with so much stuff.
Jager was very excited to see me, what can I say dogs just love me. I also constantly play with Jager, so he saw fun times coming. I had only been there for a little bit, when Jenn asked if I wanted anything for lunch, well we ended up having hot dogs. I was so excited for hot dogs, I don't eat them here. The boys bought them once for the Superbowl, and they came in a can. WHAT? I don't think so. So it's been a while since I had one, and it was really good. American food is one thing I am looking forward to when I come home.
There was a BBQ that afternoon for Arthur's graduating class at work. So we went to that, and everyone was really nice. One of the guys is like three months older than me, he was happy that he wasn't the youngest, but wasn't pleased at the 3 months. Hahaha. It was fun, though for a lot of it, I was texting Jenna and Amaya. At Jenn's I saw the Matt Berry commercial where he's a volcano, it's for some water company, and I got really exciting. When I first saw these commercials I didn't realise it was him, but Jenna sent me the youtube link, and though it took like 5 hours to download I saw it, and realised that yes he is the volcano. I was in the kitchen talking to Jenn, and I heard his voice, and I basically ran into the living room. I texted Jenna, and she basically texted back the commercial. It was a little sick. She was a little bored I think, she sent me one text saying, "Howard, Howard, Howard....Hoowaaarrddd. Howard. Who do you think would win in a fight? Dr. Sanchez or Dixon Bainbridge?" Um same guy plays both, so I voted for the volcano.
Worst comment of the day goes to the someone at this BBQ! I had my hat on (OF COURSE), and when in London, if someone asks where you got it from, you can say, "Camden." And they know exactly what you mean. You don't need to add in the town, or "This cool market in northern London." No you can just say Camden. So when I was asked, I said "Camden." Someone asked, "Where?" And before I could reply, someone else said, "New Jersey." OUCH! I felt wounded. I was in a heck of a lot of pain. I looked in horror at the person who said that, and finally was able to say, "No in London. It's a market, it's so COOL!" But they did not understand. Alas. Of course I had a good Noel Fielding line to go along with this, but I held my tongue.
Sunday was good too, I watched The Simple Life while I packed three boxes, and Jager got really crazy. He doesn't like boxes or something... I don't know. Actually that morning, he kept stepping on me. He wanted to look out the window while I was still asleep, and instead of walking around me on the bed, he just stepped on me. It hurt. He's a silly dog.
Their neighbours came over for dinner though, it was the same family that invited us over for Christmas dinner. I talked with Ali, who loves me, she kidnapped me for a while at Christmas. Lol, it was okay. I played with the baby, she took a liking to me. We had some thing that I helped make... basically it was a cheeseburger but the ketchup and mustard were put in as the meat was cooking. It was a little bit like a sloppy joe. I tried to eat it, it was good, but I quickly got sick of the cheese in it, and it had melted so I couldn't take it out. Er. Stupid cheese. I cooked myself some hot dogs instead.
I really delayed my leaving... I left around 9pm. That kinda hurt me, but I know London well enough to be all right. Being the weekend the Circle and Northern Lines were shut down, and I needed the Circle Line. I got back pretty late, and took a tour of the Underground, just trying to get home. Thankfully I didn't have a big bag with me, so it was easier than coming.
But my last trip to Ely was good. It was sad to say good bye to Jenn and Arthur, I do like visiting them. When I go up, I do nothing all weekend, but it's fun just to sit and relax. Jager is fun to play with, he brings the ball back to you, so I spent a lot of time with him in the backyard playing catch. He seemed to enjoy it.
08 June 2007
So right now I'm packing. It's really depressing, so I'm also watching the Mighty Boosh Live. Tomorrow I'm going to Ely to send some stuff home, aka my printer, some sweatshirts and my Christmas tree. With this lot going, I should be able to fit everything, but it doesn't seem like it. I'm not sure why, I haven't bought everything that Amaya, Kathleen and Cassie have. I have collected some stuff, more DVDs, some presents, but I should be alright.
Since getting back from Oxford, I've just been packing. I like to pack beforehand unlike Mary Kate who cannot pack beforehand to save her life. I don't need Mom and Dad to come and pack for me. Hahahaha. Or my sister.
Elyse leaves tomorrow morning. I talked to her today, and she was saying that she, her flat mates and her friends have basically been crying all together. Okay I get it, they are going to miss each other, but they haven't been together for a year. Saying good bye to Kathleen was so weird, and I didn't do it properly because really it doesn't seem real. I wrote her a letter, and left it under her door. Hopefully that will be more of a proper good bye. Tuesday morning, I'm going to be up early, have to go to London with Monica, but also that's the day Cassie and Amaya leave.
I hate saying good bye, it's because one thing that I am so afraid of doing. I know I will see everyone again, but if Oxford showed me anything, I'm really going to miss everyone. So many references, so little time.
Oh well, tea time, and then maybe some more packing. I should go to bed at some point, Amaya is making pancakes again tomorrow for us...woohoo. Early of course because I'm off to Ely.
So right now I'm packing. It's really depressing, so I'm also watching the Mighty Boosh Live. Tomorrow I'm going to Ely to send some stuff home, aka my printer, some sweatshirts and my Christmas tree. With this lot going, I should be able to fit everything, but it doesn't seem like it. I'm not sure why, I haven't bought everything that Amaya, Kathleen and Cassie have. I have collected some stuff, more DVDs, some presents, but I should be alright.
Since getting back from Oxford, I've just been packing. I like to pack beforehand unlike Mary Kate who cannot pack beforehand to save her life. I don't need Mom and Dad to come and pack for me. Hahahaha. Or my sister.
Elyse leaves tomorrow morning. I talked to her today, and she was saying that she, her flat mates and her friends have basically been crying all together. Okay I get it, they are going to miss each other, but they haven't been together for a year. Saying good bye to Kathleen was so weird, and I didn't do it properly because really it doesn't seem real. I wrote her a letter, and left it under her door. Hopefully that will be more of a proper good bye. Tuesday morning, I'm going to be up early, have to go to London with Monica, but also that's the day Cassie and Amaya leave.
I hate saying good bye, it's because one thing that I am so afraid of doing. I know I will see everyone again, but if Oxford showed me anything, I'm really going to miss everyone. So many references, so little time.
Oh well, tea time, and then maybe some more packing. I should go to bed at some point, Amaya is making pancakes again tomorrow for us...woohoo. Early of course because I'm off to Ely.
07 June 2007
My last day visting Oxford
My last day in Oxford started early, well around 9ish, so early for me. We got to go to breakfast, though we caught the end of it. No big deal, there was food, though the tea was cold. Oh well.
After breakfast, we went to find Tolkien's grave. This was something we both were interested in doing, and we thought at first we would not be able to, the buses didn't go there, or they went at weird times. However, the bus leaves every like 5 minutes, and goes right to the cemetery. It was great. So we got on the bus, and it was great because Monica had not been been up this way yet. There is really no need, it's more of a residential area. But we had a purpose this day. I want to say we were on this bus for like 10-15 minutes, and then we saw our stop. The bus let us out right by the cemetery... it was great. We entered, and at the entrance there was a sign for J.R.R Tolkien Author with an arrow. Monica commented that she didn't know his last name was author. We followed these signs though, there was one every two feet, like those trying to find the grave are idiots or something. But we did find it, and it was nice.
The theme of this little trip was coming full circle, and I never felt that we came more of a full circle than here at Tolkien's grave. I remember when we first talked about coming to England, back in oh high school, we thought it would be amazing just to see Oxford, go to The Eagle and Child, and seeing his grave. Monica of course always wanted to go to school in Oxford, but I just wanted to see the city. And then we both applied to schools in England, we got in, and we got to see Oxford. We then went to The Eagle and Child, we ate there, and saw Tolkien's houses, and Pembroke where he went to school, and Merton where he taught. Now in the last time at Oxford, we saw his grave. Full circle. It was a good experience.
After that we headed back to the centre of town, and tried to go to Magdalen College, but it was closed to visitors until 1pm. So we walked around, saw Merton College where Tolkien taught. We then went to this really interesting but disorganised museum. It's the Pitts Museum, and it's basically these old guys donated their collections to this museum, and they just threw it into this room. Lamps were next to torture devices... the usual. The guide says there is a method to the order of the museum, but I do not see it. There was shrunken heads, and directions about how to make one. Interesting. We were there for a little bit, laughing at the order of everything, and just what was there. Random stuff.
We saw Keble College next, and went in search of lunch. We thought about going to the Lamb and Flag, a pub that Tolkien and his friends went to, but no one was in there, so we figured out that they didn't serve lunch. Next to The Eagle and Child was a bakery/sandwich place, so we got food there. I had tuna with cucumbers on it... what cucumbers are doing on tuna I have no idea, but it was good.
We went back to Magdalen College then, and wow. It's a very impressive college, but my favourite part was the walk we did. Lewis and Tolkien did this walk, and they call it Addison's Walk. Apparently it's named after someone, but I don't really know the story. All I do know is I walked in the footsteps of Tolkien and Lewis. It's basically where they talked about their books and religion. It was so peaceful. It was right around where we punted the day before. We walked, and talked, and just listened. There was no noise, well one noise, a humming annoying one, but as we continued the walk we didn't hear it again. It was quite a walk, I would do that walk everyday if I was in Oxford.
After Magdalen College, we went back to St. Peters, it was the middle of the afternoon, and I decided it was time to go. I thought Monica's paper was due Friday, but no the next day at noon, and she hadn't even finished reading the book. I figured I should get going, and let her work. We had also been everywhere, and seen it all. We did so much in the time I was there. I was pretty impressed with us.
But that was Oxford. It was so much fun, and I'm going to miss it.
06 June 2007
Oxford Day 1
So as I said in my last post, I was in Oxford. I went to visit Monica, and say good bye to the great college town. I had to go back, and see The Eagle and Child again, and of course Monica, the girls I've met there, and just the sights. Monica realised that she could take me into the different colleges, since she is a student of Oxford. So that is what we did before we went punting. Well we started to.
The first one we went to was Christ Church. I had wanted to see the inside of this college for awhile, they use this campus for parts of Harry Potter, the Great Hall, the staircase, and different outdoor scenes. They use another college too, I believe it's called New College, and it does not live up to it's name, it's pretty old, like 600 years old. Something like that.
I am right now labeling pictures, but I thought I would put up a little quiz for everyone. Tell me where you have seen this tree before, and who was it in? And who got chased around it, while a lot of people stood around and laughed. Then tell me why I took the pictures below.

Well while you work out that, I will be labeling pictures, and then will return to finish my day in Oxford.
Alright, back. Day 1 of Oxford is labeled, so back to describing my day.
Christ Church was cool, a lot of kids out. Er. Group tours and all of that. Christ Church is where they have filmed some scenes from Harry Potter, such as the Great Hall, and the stairs from the Entrance Hall. It was so brilliant to finally see these sights, I mean ever since Monica and I started talking about going to England, and her to Oxford, it's been the home of Harry Potter. I also got my picture taken on the stairs, a few times... lol, and it was really cool. Christ Church is huge, and really old looking, and kind of intimating. I mean colleges in the States are ohh maybe a hundred years old, this college is 500 years old, and that's not even the oldest college. After seeing the other colleges, this one isn't even the prettiest, but it is one of the most well known.
So then we went to New College, a very nice campus, so pretty, with something a little strange on the grounds. There is a mound, full of dead bodies that makes noises. When you clap at it, it makes a noise back at you. I didn't really believe this, or understand what Monica was talking about, but we went to the mound and she started clapping. I didn't hear anything. I clapped, and then I heard it. It's an echo of your clapping, but sounds really weird. When I finally heard it, I couldn't believe it. It's so weird! If I went to this college, I would love to sit and people watch, and just watch people go up to the mound and clap at it. It's really weird!
After New College, we visited, okay well I'm starting to forget the order. We visited Oriel College, and then over to the Radcliffe Camera area, with the Divinity School and the Sheldonian Theatre. Sheldonian Theatre is where Matriculation takes place. Monica was not allowed in during matriculation because she is a study abroad student, and not there for the full three years. She did get to dress up though. Monica had never been in the theatre before, or the Divinity School. We weren't sure we would be able to get into either, but yes we did. The Divinity School is where they filmed the hospital wing scenes from Harry Potter. It was cool to see that! In the Sheldonian Theatre, we climbed up to the top, and we got to see all the gargoyles and tips of the towers of Oxford. Beautiful. Up there, we both kept repeating that we don't want to leave England. It was such a nice day to be up there, and looking out at Oxford. I feel that is my last tower/a lot of stairs that I will be climbing in England or Europe. I climbed my first tower in Oxford too, we climbed the Carfax Tower when we first came to Oxford. It was another feeling of coming full circle. I have climbed my share of towers/a lot of stairs/mountains, and the first and last time it happened in Oxford. It was sad to climb down the stairs.
After that we went back down to Christ Church to go down to the River. This is where Monica spent her mornings while she was rowing. Hahaha, she had to wake up insanely early to row, about the time I was going to bed. She only did it for the first term though. But it was nice by there, I love the Thames. It's where I spent my first few hours in Kingston, and in London, so I love to see it whenever I travel.
After Christ though we went back to Monica's place to meet the other girls so we could go punting. I was so excited to go punting. It was free because we had to punt ourselves... hahaha. What a show though, having to punt by ourselves. I preferred that to having someone punt for us, I mean what an experience to get to punt. We went with Meg, Ann, and Amelia, three friends of Monica's. I've met Ann before, she lives next to Monica. She's really nice.
So punting... yeah. We went punting down by Magdalen College. So now I have walked around Oxford at least once... nice. Anyway, Magdalen College is the most beautiful, really hard to get into, and they stay inside their college. They don't associate with the rest of Oxford apparently. But C.S. Lewis taught here, so I was glad to see it, and the next day I would be going inside. Oh yeah. But to punting. IT'S HARD! You have this big metal poll that is huge, and bigger than two people. You have to put the pole into the water, and push it into the ground, but not too far because it could get stuck. The pole pushes the boat along, and then you just let it go behind the boat, and then repeat the process. If you need to turn, you move the pole in whatever direction you need to. Yeah that is a horrible description of punting, but it's hard to describe. It was fun though. Ann had some trouble at first, but she figured it out, and all was good. It was so funny to begin with, our boat would not stay straight. It did a lot of 360s.. we hit a few bushes, the bridge, but not other boats. No one got wet either which was really good! Amelia was really good at punting, she has experiences with boats. Meg and Monica were good, they had some tough spots, and Amelia helped them out, but they did fine. I had a nice straight part of the river, it was good, though I couldn't keep the boat straight. I didn't hit the bank though, so all is good. It was so much fun, I am so glad we did it.
After punting, Monica and I went to The Eagle and Child for the last time. Well my last time. Monica goes there often... wish I could. We got dinner, and I just love being in The Eagle and Child, there is good food, and I just love the fact that Tolkien and Lewis and their friends use to go to the pub. Another feeling of coming full circle. Going to The Eagle and Child was one of places we couldn't wait to go when we took our first trip to Oxford. Now Monica goes to The Eagle and Child all the time, and I go whenever I come to Oxford for some great food.
After eating, we got ice cream, walked down by the River, and just talked. We mostly talked about how different we are now, I mean when we first came to Oxford we thought The Eagle and Child was an hour away, we would need 3 buses to get there, and no it's up the street. We didn't know anything about Oxford, and our first trip to London was just as amusing.
So that was day one in Oxford of my last visit. We went back to Monica's room, I showed her the Boosh, a Snuff Box episode, and The IT Crowd. I think she liked the Boosh, and The IT Crowd. Snuff Box is an acquired taste for some, but those with weird senses of humour like me, Jenna, Kathleen and Amaya we liked it almost at once. Well when Matt Berry did the whole throwing down the fish tank thing and yelling. heheh.
Wow long post.
So as I said in my last post, I was in Oxford. I went to visit Monica, and say good bye to the great college town. I had to go back, and see The Eagle and Child again, and of course Monica, the girls I've met there, and just the sights. Monica realised that she could take me into the different colleges, since she is a student of Oxford. So that is what we did before we went punting. Well we started to.
The first one we went to was Christ Church. I had wanted to see the inside of this college for awhile, they use this campus for parts of Harry Potter, the Great Hall, the staircase, and different outdoor scenes. They use another college too, I believe it's called New College, and it does not live up to it's name, it's pretty old, like 600 years old. Something like that.
I am right now labeling pictures, but I thought I would put up a little quiz for everyone. Tell me where you have seen this tree before, and who was it in? And who got chased around it, while a lot of people stood around and laughed. Then tell me why I took the pictures below.
Well while you work out that, I will be labeling pictures, and then will return to finish my day in Oxford.
Alright, back. Day 1 of Oxford is labeled, so back to describing my day.
Christ Church was cool, a lot of kids out. Er. Group tours and all of that. Christ Church is where they have filmed some scenes from Harry Potter, such as the Great Hall, and the stairs from the Entrance Hall. It was so brilliant to finally see these sights, I mean ever since Monica and I started talking about going to England, and her to Oxford, it's been the home of Harry Potter. I also got my picture taken on the stairs, a few times... lol, and it was really cool. Christ Church is huge, and really old looking, and kind of intimating. I mean colleges in the States are ohh maybe a hundred years old, this college is 500 years old, and that's not even the oldest college. After seeing the other colleges, this one isn't even the prettiest, but it is one of the most well known.
So then we went to New College, a very nice campus, so pretty, with something a little strange on the grounds. There is a mound, full of dead bodies that makes noises. When you clap at it, it makes a noise back at you. I didn't really believe this, or understand what Monica was talking about, but we went to the mound and she started clapping. I didn't hear anything. I clapped, and then I heard it. It's an echo of your clapping, but sounds really weird. When I finally heard it, I couldn't believe it. It's so weird! If I went to this college, I would love to sit and people watch, and just watch people go up to the mound and clap at it. It's really weird!
After New College, we visited, okay well I'm starting to forget the order. We visited Oriel College, and then over to the Radcliffe Camera area, with the Divinity School and the Sheldonian Theatre. Sheldonian Theatre is where Matriculation takes place. Monica was not allowed in during matriculation because she is a study abroad student, and not there for the full three years. She did get to dress up though. Monica had never been in the theatre before, or the Divinity School. We weren't sure we would be able to get into either, but yes we did. The Divinity School is where they filmed the hospital wing scenes from Harry Potter. It was cool to see that! In the Sheldonian Theatre, we climbed up to the top, and we got to see all the gargoyles and tips of the towers of Oxford. Beautiful. Up there, we both kept repeating that we don't want to leave England. It was such a nice day to be up there, and looking out at Oxford. I feel that is my last tower/a lot of stairs that I will be climbing in England or Europe. I climbed my first tower in Oxford too, we climbed the Carfax Tower when we first came to Oxford. It was another feeling of coming full circle. I have climbed my share of towers/a lot of stairs/mountains, and the first and last time it happened in Oxford. It was sad to climb down the stairs.
After that we went back down to Christ Church to go down to the River. This is where Monica spent her mornings while she was rowing. Hahaha, she had to wake up insanely early to row, about the time I was going to bed. She only did it for the first term though. But it was nice by there, I love the Thames. It's where I spent my first few hours in Kingston, and in London, so I love to see it whenever I travel.
After Christ though we went back to Monica's place to meet the other girls so we could go punting. I was so excited to go punting. It was free because we had to punt ourselves... hahaha. What a show though, having to punt by ourselves. I preferred that to having someone punt for us, I mean what an experience to get to punt. We went with Meg, Ann, and Amelia, three friends of Monica's. I've met Ann before, she lives next to Monica. She's really nice.
So punting... yeah. We went punting down by Magdalen College. So now I have walked around Oxford at least once... nice. Anyway, Magdalen College is the most beautiful, really hard to get into, and they stay inside their college. They don't associate with the rest of Oxford apparently. But C.S. Lewis taught here, so I was glad to see it, and the next day I would be going inside. Oh yeah. But to punting. IT'S HARD! You have this big metal poll that is huge, and bigger than two people. You have to put the pole into the water, and push it into the ground, but not too far because it could get stuck. The pole pushes the boat along, and then you just let it go behind the boat, and then repeat the process. If you need to turn, you move the pole in whatever direction you need to. Yeah that is a horrible description of punting, but it's hard to describe. It was fun though. Ann had some trouble at first, but she figured it out, and all was good. It was so funny to begin with, our boat would not stay straight. It did a lot of 360s.. we hit a few bushes, the bridge, but not other boats. No one got wet either which was really good! Amelia was really good at punting, she has experiences with boats. Meg and Monica were good, they had some tough spots, and Amelia helped them out, but they did fine. I had a nice straight part of the river, it was good, though I couldn't keep the boat straight. I didn't hit the bank though, so all is good. It was so much fun, I am so glad we did it.
After punting, Monica and I went to The Eagle and Child for the last time. Well my last time. Monica goes there often... wish I could. We got dinner, and I just love being in The Eagle and Child, there is good food, and I just love the fact that Tolkien and Lewis and their friends use to go to the pub. Another feeling of coming full circle. Going to The Eagle and Child was one of places we couldn't wait to go when we took our first trip to Oxford. Now Monica goes to The Eagle and Child all the time, and I go whenever I come to Oxford for some great food.
After eating, we got ice cream, walked down by the River, and just talked. We mostly talked about how different we are now, I mean when we first came to Oxford we thought The Eagle and Child was an hour away, we would need 3 buses to get there, and no it's up the street. We didn't know anything about Oxford, and our first trip to London was just as amusing.
So that was day one in Oxford of my last visit. We went back to Monica's room, I showed her the Boosh, a Snuff Box episode, and The IT Crowd. I think she liked the Boosh, and The IT Crowd. Snuff Box is an acquired taste for some, but those with weird senses of humour like me, Jenna, Kathleen and Amaya we liked it almost at once. Well when Matt Berry did the whole throwing down the fish tank thing and yelling. heheh.
Wow long post.
Quick note from Oxford
Hey, I just thought I would write quickly. Monica is reading a novel so I thought I would quickly tell what we did today. Well the main feature, we looked at about 5 different colleges... so many pretty buildings.
WE WENT PUNTING! It was great. Monica, her three friends, one who I had met before Ann, and I all went punting. We got to stir the boat. I was pretty good, I couldn't keep the boat straight, but I didn't hit any walls, or other boats. We had a little trouble at the beginning, but we figured it out, and had a really good time. Punting can only be done in Oxford, it's such a leisure thing, and who else would think of stirring a boat using a big metal pole????
It was great though, when I get home, I'll post a picture of me punting!!! Monica and I are having fun. Coming to Oxford is us coming full circle basically. Monica said that she would come to the Bridge House once again, so then that is completely coming full circle. She started here, and then we came to Oxford. We ate at The Eagle and Child today, and went to the ice cream place where I first had tea. We keep talking about how silly and foolish we were in September, we didn't know anything. I saw a whole new part of Oxford, sections that Monica didn't know about when she first got here. It's all so amazing. Love Oxford.
I'll be home tomorrow night, not really eager to say good bye to Oxford. It's just so peaceful here, well peaceful with tons and tons of people slowly walking the streets, getting in the way, and annoying the heck out of us.
WE WENT PUNTING! It was great. Monica, her three friends, one who I had met before Ann, and I all went punting. We got to stir the boat. I was pretty good, I couldn't keep the boat straight, but I didn't hit any walls, or other boats. We had a little trouble at the beginning, but we figured it out, and had a really good time. Punting can only be done in Oxford, it's such a leisure thing, and who else would think of stirring a boat using a big metal pole????
It was great though, when I get home, I'll post a picture of me punting!!! Monica and I are having fun. Coming to Oxford is us coming full circle basically. Monica said that she would come to the Bridge House once again, so then that is completely coming full circle. She started here, and then we came to Oxford. We ate at The Eagle and Child today, and went to the ice cream place where I first had tea. We keep talking about how silly and foolish we were in September, we didn't know anything. I saw a whole new part of Oxford, sections that Monica didn't know about when she first got here. It's all so amazing. Love Oxford.
I'll be home tomorrow night, not really eager to say good bye to Oxford. It's just so peaceful here, well peaceful with tons and tons of people slowly walking the streets, getting in the way, and annoying the heck out of us.
04 June 2007
Black Books

So today Jenna and I were in London. I thought we could read each other's minds, but apparently we cannot. We didn't discuss the time, I just figured it was 1pm, because that's the time we always meet in London. So I was in at 1pm, and she texted me while I was on the train, and yeah, we agreed to meet at 1:30-2ish. I went to the Thames, sat on a bench and just stared at Big Ben. It was good. I love that view, with Ben, and the bridges, the Eye... all the stupid tourists.
Jenna showed up though, and we went to Harrods for a good bye to the very expensive store. There was one thing we looked at it, it was either a shawl or a skirt... not really sure. We couldn't find the price though, and Jenna said that it was worth more than both our lives, and yeah I found the price... 2000 quid! AH! For something that was really ugly, and I'm not sure what it was. Gotta love Harrods. We walked all over the store, and then departed for Russell Square.
Jenna googled where Black Books was filmed, or what bookstore front was used for the show, so we went to see it. Yeah we know, we are obsessed, but Black Books is funny. It use to be on Comedy Central I believe, but I'm not sure it did well there. I love it, I watched all three seasons in a short amount of time. Dylan Moran is the main actor in it, when we were in Ireland, Tara showed us his stand up work. He's so funny.
So we walked basically the wrong way, but we did end up finding it. We found a house of Charles Dickens first, and a line of houses that reminds me of Bath, and then we found it. We tried to go inside, and it was somewhat closed, but the owners were inside. We didn't realise it was closed, and Jenna tried to open the door. It didn't open, but one of the owners came out, and asked what we wanted. We looked at each other, and said, "Just browsing." She let us in, but we got to the door, and looked in... the store is as big as a box. And there was barely any books in it, so we just looked at each other again, and said, "Nevermind, bye." We ran! It was a little scary, and embarrassing. Oh well. It's probably has rare books in it, or something of importance, but it freaked us out that it looks nothing like the store in Black Books. Not that I was expecting it to, but it's the size of a box.
Oh well. We figured we would walk to Covert Garden, and either see it again, or go home. It was now like 4pm... time to go home. We had walked a lot, seen enough. It was walking home that I realised my biggest problem with going home... well other than leaving London. No one is going to understand me when I get home. I'm going to have to watch what I say every second, unless I'm with Elyse. I quote the Mighty Boosh/Snuff Box/Darkplace/Black Books/The IT Crowd ummm a hundred times a day. Wait, that's just the Boosh. I've been quoting Snuff Box a lot recently, Matt Berry is our new obsession. We love his voice, his pointing... everything. I hear the word cheese, I think of the Cheese Song, I see David Beckham, and I think "Stand back everybody." The name Noel makes me look all around me wondering if he is around. I can't even think of without thinking of Moss from The IT Crowd. The answers to problems is "WHISKEY!" And pointing into the air. Not actually drinking it, but Matt Berry with his loud voice says that all the time in Snuff Box. I hear the word Lover, and start singing, "One track lover" by Matt Berry with Richard Ayoade. We quote everything so much, and we know these shows too well, it's rather sick. But it's so natural. I greet Kathleen some mornings with, "How are you this fair morn?" In my best Howard Moon voice. I'm going to miss this, I don't have to say what I'm referring to, everyone knows. I'm not going to have anything to say when I get home. Elyse thankfully watches the Boosh, and now I have to show her Snuff Box, but no one knows it like Kathleen, Amaya, Jenna and I do. I'm going to call Jenna, and just leave a message with, "I'm Old Gregg", and then hang up. She will do the same to me. It's one of those things that will happen. We need to have a release, but I'd rather see them face to face.
Alright so there's my biggest problem of my life right now. Tomorrow morning I say good bye to Kathleen, and then I go to Oxford. I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning.
03 June 2007
Portobello Road
So I finally went to Portobello Road. It wasn't the market that got me there, but um the cupcakes. There is this bakery... I want to own it. It's amazing. Well first I walked the length of the market, and that was cool. The amount of people though... ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. People walk so slow. I mean, I know they are looking, but I was too, but yet I can walk faster than a snail. Argh. So after I walked the market, I called Kathleen, and said, "Cupcakes.. where are they?" She told me, I found it, I died and went to heaven. I, of course, got the double chocolate.. ah heaven. There was so much icing on it too... ohhhhhh. I want like 100 right now.
Portobello Road is something else. I was reminded of Seafood Fest actually. There was a lot of stalls, and even more people. It was so crowded, and I loved it when a car decided to drive down the road. There's barely room for people. The stuff that was being sold was pretty good though, I was almost tempted to buy some stuff.
I saw George Orwell's house... er. Not my favorite person in the world.
After that I decided to see Harrods one more time. I grabbed a bus that said it was going to Knightsbridge, and yeah it didn't. The bus had it's last stop right by Royal Albert Hall. I got out, caught another bus, but then I saw this statue, and I got out. It's the Albert Memorial, and it's really nice. I had not been to this side of Kensington Gardens yet, so I eagerly looked around, and then I decided I would walk through the park. I looked at the palace, went by the little lake, and ended up ohhh basically where I began earlier that day. It always happens... somehow.
It was a good day though. I sat on a park bench, and just thought how I would love for all of this not to end. I always look forward to the next adventure, in this case it's going home, but I do love England, and I am so going to miss everyone.
On the way back to Waterloo, I took a bus, and got out around Westminster. I got some cool pictures of Big Ben alone and with the Eye. I, then witnessed this.
Not in a million years would I do this, and I have jumped from a bridge probably just a little smaller. I've also jumped from a cliff into water, but distance doesn't matter, it's the water that does. The Saco river is fine, but this is dirty. A few people were looking on, and basically everyone said the same thing: Ew.
31 May 2007
Camden, Pete Doherty, and a man named Garth
Alright, so I have a crazy tale to tell. This tale can only be fully appreciated by well my flat mates, and Jenna, but I will tell it.
Monday I went into London with Elyse and Jenna. That was nice, we went to Camden Town. I wanted to see the pub that is used in Sweet, and the other one where Noel hangs out in. Jenna and Elyse wanted to shop. Okay. So we went, and it was raining a little bit throughout the whole day, not enough to really annoy me. Anyway, when we got to Camden, we went right to food. I ended up getting a burger, the pizza places weren't open yet... it made me very sad. Jenna and Elyse got Thai, I think. Anyway, we ate, and then looked around. One of the shops that Noel Fielding probably shops at was closed, and that was sad. We did go into a lot of the shops though, and I could see Noel in them having a good time picking out some cool clothes. I wouldn't wear any of them, but whatever. I did buy something for myself, something that has not come off since buying it. A hat. Pic's below.

I messed up what Noel Fielding does in Sweet, when he is front of The Elephant Head, aka the pub behind me. Sigh, I know... I should have watched it more. Sweet is a ten minute movie, aka the best ten minutes of my life. It stars him and Julian Barratt. So I bought a hat, Jenna got a cool Mod jacket.. it's so cool. We had a good time just walking around, quoting the Boosh, and looking at all the stuff. It started to rain a little harder, and we decided to leave. We went down to Oxford Circus, and to Carnaby Street. We went for the Mod stores basically, and well anything that could help us with Elye's Halloween costume. She is going to be Vince, and though he's King of the Mods, she is going more Electro... He dresses in tight jeans, fun, colorful shirts, and his hair is always amazing. So she going for his costume when he's in the zoo. I'm going to be Howard, but I can get his costume anywhere. So anyway, she did pick out a cool shirt, something like one that he wears in the show.
After she got the shirt, we went to a little cafe for a snack. There the European Chocolate Tour continued. I fell in love with this piece of chocolate cake... it looked like my piece from Norway. We sat down at a table, and I ordered the cake, but they brought me something different. It was still really good, but not what I was expecting. Elyse got it too. We were a little sad, but the cake was good. It had white chocolate chips in it, so omg wow. They really didn't like us there, we just got water since we were really thirsty, and that insulted them somehow. Argh annoying. But the cake was amazing.
After cake, we walked around a little bit more, went to the Pic, but then it really started to rain, and we called it a day. I went with Jenna to Surbiton, and then took the bus to the Bridge House.
That was Day 2.
The next day, Elyse and I went back in. She had a problem with the shirt she bought, it was green, and her jacket will probably be green, so big screw up. I think she got the pink one instead. We decided to go to Covert Garden, and I had a brain freeze for a little bit. I was in Oxford Circus thinking, where the heck is Covert Garden. We walked to Tottenham Court Road, and Elyse asked where the big screens were. She thought we were in the Pic, and then I thought it was near there... I'm still questioning that line of thinking. So I got us to the Pic, and then realised, no I'm an idiot. So we walked to Leicester Square, got gelato, and then made our way to Covert Garden. It was a pretty nice day so far... yeah to that. So we walked through the market, Elyse was considering getting a present for someone, but it was too expensive. I saw someone who looked exactly like Johnny Depp while we were there. I did about three double takes. I don't think it was though, there would be a mob. Johnny Depp cannot just walk around Covert Gardens... no way. He did have on like ripped jeans, and a weird shirt... but no it wasn't Johnny Depp. Or I will tell that to myself for the rest of my life.
After Covert Gardens, we took the Underground to Tower Hill, and did the walk from the Bridge to Waterloo. It was a nice walk, Elyse and I talked to whole way, basically about how we don't want to go home. Oh well. It is a long walk, and we were getting a little tired, but the clouds overhead were gathering, and we did not dare stop. We just got a look at The Eye when it started raining, and we tried to run to Waterloo. Elyse was wearing sandals, so she couldn't really run. The wind was unbelievable too, it was so not our friends. But we got to Waterloo in one piece, a little wet, but hey it's London.
As soon as we entered Waterloo, the sun came back out. Er London. Oh well, we had a full day of London so it was all good. I think I said good bye to the Tower of London, and the Bridge. I'm not sure I will see them again before I go, I don't usually go down that way. I don't think I'll ever forget the day I was walking along the Thames, and I saw this castle on the other side of the water. I thought what is this castle doing in the middle of London? I realised it was the Tower of London, but it made me very happy to see it. I was so lost in London then, now I know it pretty well. Seems that it was just yesterday that I had that day in London by myself. What a fun day that was.
So the next day in London was back in Camden. I went in with Jenna, and met Kathleen, her mom, and Mary there. Mary was here, she left about 4 hours ago. It was cheaper for her to fly from Prague to here, and then she stayed a day and a half, and then flew home. It was great to see Mary, she is really nice. In Camden, Kathleen's mom and I were human hangers for Kathleen and Mary. They were trying on everything, and in most places in Camden there isn't dressing rooms, but they would take off their jackets, and try on whatever dress caught their eyes. It was fun. Mary got a few things. Jenna got another jacket, this one is so her. It has a skull on it, skulls are cute to her. It was so funny. It was raining though, so after shopping in Camden we went back to Kingston. We did find Noel's pub, and Kathleen and I looked lovingly at it for about a full minute. It was pretty funny.
So the next day in London was today. Um. Jenna and I went in, and we went to Brick Lane, tried to find Graham Street and failed. Graham Street is where Julian lives... we aren't stalking, we just want to see it. But we failed miserably at that, and found ourselves around Liverpool Street. When we got off the bus, there was this church to our left, so we went down that way, and found this cool market. Well we went in, it had a lot of antiques and stuff. We were walking around, when all a sudden, Jenna told me to look to my right. I did, and there was this guy in a suit and hat. I thought he looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. Jenna said that it was Pete Doherty, which didn't click, and then she said, it was the guy that Noel made fun of in the Live Show. Then it clicked. So we kept looking at stuff, though Jenna did ask for a photo. We were very unsure of approaching him... he's not exactly nice to people. So I took a picture of him when he was looking at stuff, and then Jenna took one of me with him behind me. Oh Jenna.

We were so scared of approaching him though, and we never did. We opted for the pictures, though I heard some people talking about autographs. We actually went back to try and find him, but he was on his cell phone, and then he left. Oh well.
So after this market, we still had an eye out for Graham Street, but after doing a full circle... we just went toward the first Underground we could find. We ended up where earlier. Same Underground station. I'm still wondering how we did that. Jenna asked if I had been to Russell Square, and I said no. The front of the store in Black Books is in Russell Square, so we went to see if we could find it. We didn't, but we found something even greater. We went past the British Museum, and were walking back to Tottenham Court Road, when Jenna and speeching did not mix. Finally she blurted out that Moss was in front of us! RICHARD AYOADE! We just saw him at the Matt Berry concert! With him was Matt Holness aka Garth! In this show that Matt Holness wrote, it's a spoof on 80's horror TV shows. It's so creepy, but it is growing on me every time I watch it. Julian Barratt plays a priest in it, Matt Berry plays a doctor, and Richard Ayoade is the boss. It's not a very well known show, and was canceled, but Jenna found it. She was searching for anything that Matt Berry and Julian were in, and she came upon this show. So we met Matt Holness... wow. We doubled back, and watched them, because Jenna wasn't sure if it was him or not. I remember him from the show has having weird big glasses, and darker hair, so I wasn't sure. But she did approach him, while Richard Ayoade was in a store buying lamps, and he seemed so happy that we approached him. We told him a few times that we love his show, and think he's brilliant, and his smile just got wider every time we said it. It was so brilliant!
He told us that Richard was inside, and we were like, yeah cool, but your show is amazing. And then we got our pictures taken with him...
Yeah I'm still wearing the hat... maybe one day I might take it off. I like it though. But what an amazing day. We were just walking down the street, and we saw two of our favorites. Where is Julian and Noel??? Those two are the jackpot, but I like what we have been seeing so far. Elyse saw Michael Fielding, but she didn't get her picture taken with him, or a picture of him. Amateur. It's so weird that I am into all these TV shows, and I'm seeing the actors around London. I mean... WOW! I wish I could have gotten a picture with Matt Berry, or an autograph. Oh well, that would be amazing to meet him, I would def point in any picture with him, since he wins the prize at pointing.
So that ends my time in London. Tomorrow I am going to spend around Kingston, just taking pictures, taking it all in, spending time by the river. I think I'm spending my time left wisely.
Monday I went into London with Elyse and Jenna. That was nice, we went to Camden Town. I wanted to see the pub that is used in Sweet, and the other one where Noel hangs out in. Jenna and Elyse wanted to shop. Okay. So we went, and it was raining a little bit throughout the whole day, not enough to really annoy me. Anyway, when we got to Camden, we went right to food. I ended up getting a burger, the pizza places weren't open yet... it made me very sad. Jenna and Elyse got Thai, I think. Anyway, we ate, and then looked around. One of the shops that Noel Fielding probably shops at was closed, and that was sad. We did go into a lot of the shops though, and I could see Noel in them having a good time picking out some cool clothes. I wouldn't wear any of them, but whatever. I did buy something for myself, something that has not come off since buying it. A hat. Pic's below.
I messed up what Noel Fielding does in Sweet, when he is front of The Elephant Head, aka the pub behind me. Sigh, I know... I should have watched it more. Sweet is a ten minute movie, aka the best ten minutes of my life. It stars him and Julian Barratt. So I bought a hat, Jenna got a cool Mod jacket.. it's so cool. We had a good time just walking around, quoting the Boosh, and looking at all the stuff. It started to rain a little harder, and we decided to leave. We went down to Oxford Circus, and to Carnaby Street. We went for the Mod stores basically, and well anything that could help us with Elye's Halloween costume. She is going to be Vince, and though he's King of the Mods, she is going more Electro... He dresses in tight jeans, fun, colorful shirts, and his hair is always amazing. So she going for his costume when he's in the zoo. I'm going to be Howard, but I can get his costume anywhere. So anyway, she did pick out a cool shirt, something like one that he wears in the show.
After she got the shirt, we went to a little cafe for a snack. There the European Chocolate Tour continued. I fell in love with this piece of chocolate cake... it looked like my piece from Norway. We sat down at a table, and I ordered the cake, but they brought me something different. It was still really good, but not what I was expecting. Elyse got it too. We were a little sad, but the cake was good. It had white chocolate chips in it, so omg wow. They really didn't like us there, we just got water since we were really thirsty, and that insulted them somehow. Argh annoying. But the cake was amazing.
After cake, we walked around a little bit more, went to the Pic, but then it really started to rain, and we called it a day. I went with Jenna to Surbiton, and then took the bus to the Bridge House.
That was Day 2.
The next day, Elyse and I went back in. She had a problem with the shirt she bought, it was green, and her jacket will probably be green, so big screw up. I think she got the pink one instead. We decided to go to Covert Garden, and I had a brain freeze for a little bit. I was in Oxford Circus thinking, where the heck is Covert Garden. We walked to Tottenham Court Road, and Elyse asked where the big screens were. She thought we were in the Pic, and then I thought it was near there... I'm still questioning that line of thinking. So I got us to the Pic, and then realised, no I'm an idiot. So we walked to Leicester Square, got gelato, and then made our way to Covert Garden. It was a pretty nice day so far... yeah to that. So we walked through the market, Elyse was considering getting a present for someone, but it was too expensive. I saw someone who looked exactly like Johnny Depp while we were there. I did about three double takes. I don't think it was though, there would be a mob. Johnny Depp cannot just walk around Covert Gardens... no way. He did have on like ripped jeans, and a weird shirt... but no it wasn't Johnny Depp. Or I will tell that to myself for the rest of my life.
After Covert Gardens, we took the Underground to Tower Hill, and did the walk from the Bridge to Waterloo. It was a nice walk, Elyse and I talked to whole way, basically about how we don't want to go home. Oh well. It is a long walk, and we were getting a little tired, but the clouds overhead were gathering, and we did not dare stop. We just got a look at The Eye when it started raining, and we tried to run to Waterloo. Elyse was wearing sandals, so she couldn't really run. The wind was unbelievable too, it was so not our friends. But we got to Waterloo in one piece, a little wet, but hey it's London.
As soon as we entered Waterloo, the sun came back out. Er London. Oh well, we had a full day of London so it was all good. I think I said good bye to the Tower of London, and the Bridge. I'm not sure I will see them again before I go, I don't usually go down that way. I don't think I'll ever forget the day I was walking along the Thames, and I saw this castle on the other side of the water. I thought what is this castle doing in the middle of London? I realised it was the Tower of London, but it made me very happy to see it. I was so lost in London then, now I know it pretty well. Seems that it was just yesterday that I had that day in London by myself. What a fun day that was.
So the next day in London was back in Camden. I went in with Jenna, and met Kathleen, her mom, and Mary there. Mary was here, she left about 4 hours ago. It was cheaper for her to fly from Prague to here, and then she stayed a day and a half, and then flew home. It was great to see Mary, she is really nice. In Camden, Kathleen's mom and I were human hangers for Kathleen and Mary. They were trying on everything, and in most places in Camden there isn't dressing rooms, but they would take off their jackets, and try on whatever dress caught their eyes. It was fun. Mary got a few things. Jenna got another jacket, this one is so her. It has a skull on it, skulls are cute to her. It was so funny. It was raining though, so after shopping in Camden we went back to Kingston. We did find Noel's pub, and Kathleen and I looked lovingly at it for about a full minute. It was pretty funny.
So the next day in London was today. Um. Jenna and I went in, and we went to Brick Lane, tried to find Graham Street and failed. Graham Street is where Julian lives... we aren't stalking, we just want to see it. But we failed miserably at that, and found ourselves around Liverpool Street. When we got off the bus, there was this church to our left, so we went down that way, and found this cool market. Well we went in, it had a lot of antiques and stuff. We were walking around, when all a sudden, Jenna told me to look to my right. I did, and there was this guy in a suit and hat. I thought he looked familiar, but I couldn't place him. Jenna said that it was Pete Doherty, which didn't click, and then she said, it was the guy that Noel made fun of in the Live Show. Then it clicked. So we kept looking at stuff, though Jenna did ask for a photo. We were very unsure of approaching him... he's not exactly nice to people. So I took a picture of him when he was looking at stuff, and then Jenna took one of me with him behind me. Oh Jenna.

We were so scared of approaching him though, and we never did. We opted for the pictures, though I heard some people talking about autographs. We actually went back to try and find him, but he was on his cell phone, and then he left. Oh well.
So after this market, we still had an eye out for Graham Street, but after doing a full circle... we just went toward the first Underground we could find. We ended up where earlier. Same Underground station. I'm still wondering how we did that. Jenna asked if I had been to Russell Square, and I said no. The front of the store in Black Books is in Russell Square, so we went to see if we could find it. We didn't, but we found something even greater. We went past the British Museum, and were walking back to Tottenham Court Road, when Jenna and speeching did not mix. Finally she blurted out that Moss was in front of us! RICHARD AYOADE! We just saw him at the Matt Berry concert! With him was Matt Holness aka Garth! In this show that Matt Holness wrote, it's a spoof on 80's horror TV shows. It's so creepy, but it is growing on me every time I watch it. Julian Barratt plays a priest in it, Matt Berry plays a doctor, and Richard Ayoade is the boss. It's not a very well known show, and was canceled, but Jenna found it. She was searching for anything that Matt Berry and Julian were in, and she came upon this show. So we met Matt Holness... wow. We doubled back, and watched them, because Jenna wasn't sure if it was him or not. I remember him from the show has having weird big glasses, and darker hair, so I wasn't sure. But she did approach him, while Richard Ayoade was in a store buying lamps, and he seemed so happy that we approached him. We told him a few times that we love his show, and think he's brilliant, and his smile just got wider every time we said it. It was so brilliant!
He told us that Richard was inside, and we were like, yeah cool, but your show is amazing. And then we got our pictures taken with him...

So that ends my time in London. Tomorrow I am going to spend around Kingston, just taking pictures, taking it all in, spending time by the river. I think I'm spending my time left wisely.
27 May 2007
The countdown begins
Well the countdown begins for some people... other people are trying to avoid thinking about it.
I have made my decision when I'm coming home... 14 June. That way, I will be over jet lag in time for Tuesday's game... so hockey starts again 19 June. I was going to come home 18 June, but then I realised, I don't have a stick, and I need to sharpen my skates, so I better get home a few days before.
I am also flying Virgin! WOOHOO! I love their On Demand thing... complete heaven. Makes the time go by so quickly, or I'm sure it would, if you aren't like shaking from excitement to be going somewhere...
So now that's done, and I'm planning out the rest of my time here. I have to go to Oxford and Ely, and spend as much time in London as I can. I walked from Trafalgar Square to Warren Street, which is one stop away from Euston... aka far up in London. I just walked in the rain for about an hour, on streets I have not been on before. It was fun. I didn't intend on going up so far, but hey I had nothing to do.
Amaya was in London with me today, she went to exchange money from one of her travels, I went too, but she didn't stay long. It was a little sad. So when she left me, I walked. I was back in Kingston around 6:30ish though for Sunday Roast at Coronation Hall. Um YUMMY! I had roast beef, with gravy, potatoes both mashed and roasted... and peas which I ate... I was so hungry for actual food that I plowed through it. I eat well enough, I just don't cook roast beef... so good. Too bad it wasn't pot roast.. I could have put ketchup on it! I went there with Jenna, Danielle, Kathleen, her Mom, and Jason stopped by for two seconds on his way to The Lamb. It was good.
Alright, well back to Black Books. I found out I cannot do anything else while watching Black Books, I laugh too much. It's a show with Dylan Moran, an Irish comedian, who is just soo funny. Jenna's friend Tara introduced us to his work, and then Jenna started watching Black Books, and she showed it to us, and now we love it.
I have made my decision when I'm coming home... 14 June. That way, I will be over jet lag in time for Tuesday's game... so hockey starts again 19 June. I was going to come home 18 June, but then I realised, I don't have a stick, and I need to sharpen my skates, so I better get home a few days before.
I am also flying Virgin! WOOHOO! I love their On Demand thing... complete heaven. Makes the time go by so quickly, or I'm sure it would, if you aren't like shaking from excitement to be going somewhere...
So now that's done, and I'm planning out the rest of my time here. I have to go to Oxford and Ely, and spend as much time in London as I can. I walked from Trafalgar Square to Warren Street, which is one stop away from Euston... aka far up in London. I just walked in the rain for about an hour, on streets I have not been on before. It was fun. I didn't intend on going up so far, but hey I had nothing to do.
Amaya was in London with me today, she went to exchange money from one of her travels, I went too, but she didn't stay long. It was a little sad. So when she left me, I walked. I was back in Kingston around 6:30ish though for Sunday Roast at Coronation Hall. Um YUMMY! I had roast beef, with gravy, potatoes both mashed and roasted... and peas which I ate... I was so hungry for actual food that I plowed through it. I eat well enough, I just don't cook roast beef... so good. Too bad it wasn't pot roast.. I could have put ketchup on it! I went there with Jenna, Danielle, Kathleen, her Mom, and Jason stopped by for two seconds on his way to The Lamb. It was good.
Alright, well back to Black Books. I found out I cannot do anything else while watching Black Books, I laugh too much. It's a show with Dylan Moran, an Irish comedian, who is just soo funny. Jenna's friend Tara introduced us to his work, and then Jenna started watching Black Books, and she showed it to us, and now we love it.
26 May 2007
The only way for a pirate to make a living these days is by betraying other pirates.
That is the theme of Pirates 3. AMAZING MOVIE. Warning. Spoilers.
Let me give you my professional opinion, well as professional as it can be. But being a great movie watcher, and not one who just watches the action... I thought it was a well made movie, a little confusing at times, but for those critics who did not like it because of that... IT'S PIRATES! When has Pirates been anything but confusing??? It's a fun, fun movie with Johnny Depp playing a character he loves to death. So what if one can be confused on who is screwing over someone else.
First of all, I saw it with Elyse and Amaya, and I knew Elyse liked it. We both laughed throughout the whole movie. I think Amaya cannot go three hours without texting Nye, because I saw her with her phone... what? Argh. Anyway.
Jack Sparrow so amused me. If one Jack isn't good enough for you.. there was many Jacks... it was amazing. I liked him in the second movie, but here it was more funny than the first two movies combined. Please, please someone give this man an Oscar! I don't see how he can't, everyone loves Jack Sparrow. He carries the whole movie, well most of it. Elizabeth is amazing, so I guess I should say he carries the trilogy. He is the reason everyone went back for more.
Speaking of Elizabeth... um excuse me? Pirate King? I was not expecting that. How cool. She really became the hero of this movie, and looked good doing it. She really has come far from the lady in distress like she was in the first movie.
Will Turner... okay I have a soft spot for him. Who doesn't know that one. I love them getting married during the fight, and that was well coordinated. Good job whoever makes up the fight scenes. Becoming Captain of the Dutchman... umm didn't see that coming. I had a feeling it wouldn't be Jack, because he wanted it, he wanted to be immortal. Will Turner will do the job that was suppose to be done by Davy Jones, and not turn into some monster... I just know it.
I cannot say enough about Hans Zimmer. Of course, he did Gladiator, but he pulled out ALL the stops for this film. I cannot wait to get my hands on this soundtrack. It's going to be amazing. Hans Zimmer is God, and I want him to get an Oscar for this. He didn't get one for Gladiator, which I still cannot believe, I have heard the American Beauty soundtrack, and it's nothing compared to Gladiator. So he better get one for Pirates. Hans Zimmer is the best composer out there, and he needs some more love.
Both Amaya and Elyse liked it, as I said before, Elyse and I laughed through the whole movie. The action scenes were so coool, I love when the monkey shoots off the firework, and then later gets shot out of a canon. UM HOW COOL IS THAT!
So good job Pirates... amazing. But stop there. No more. End. Say good bye. Great movie, but stop.
Let me give you my professional opinion, well as professional as it can be. But being a great movie watcher, and not one who just watches the action... I thought it was a well made movie, a little confusing at times, but for those critics who did not like it because of that... IT'S PIRATES! When has Pirates been anything but confusing??? It's a fun, fun movie with Johnny Depp playing a character he loves to death. So what if one can be confused on who is screwing over someone else.
First of all, I saw it with Elyse and Amaya, and I knew Elyse liked it. We both laughed throughout the whole movie. I think Amaya cannot go three hours without texting Nye, because I saw her with her phone... what? Argh. Anyway.
Jack Sparrow so amused me. If one Jack isn't good enough for you.. there was many Jacks... it was amazing. I liked him in the second movie, but here it was more funny than the first two movies combined. Please, please someone give this man an Oscar! I don't see how he can't, everyone loves Jack Sparrow. He carries the whole movie, well most of it. Elizabeth is amazing, so I guess I should say he carries the trilogy. He is the reason everyone went back for more.
Speaking of Elizabeth... um excuse me? Pirate King? I was not expecting that. How cool. She really became the hero of this movie, and looked good doing it. She really has come far from the lady in distress like she was in the first movie.
Will Turner... okay I have a soft spot for him. Who doesn't know that one. I love them getting married during the fight, and that was well coordinated. Good job whoever makes up the fight scenes. Becoming Captain of the Dutchman... umm didn't see that coming. I had a feeling it wouldn't be Jack, because he wanted it, he wanted to be immortal. Will Turner will do the job that was suppose to be done by Davy Jones, and not turn into some monster... I just know it.
I cannot say enough about Hans Zimmer. Of course, he did Gladiator, but he pulled out ALL the stops for this film. I cannot wait to get my hands on this soundtrack. It's going to be amazing. Hans Zimmer is God, and I want him to get an Oscar for this. He didn't get one for Gladiator, which I still cannot believe, I have heard the American Beauty soundtrack, and it's nothing compared to Gladiator. So he better get one for Pirates. Hans Zimmer is the best composer out there, and he needs some more love.
Both Amaya and Elyse liked it, as I said before, Elyse and I laughed through the whole movie. The action scenes were so coool, I love when the monkey shoots off the firework, and then later gets shot out of a canon. UM HOW COOL IS THAT!
So good job Pirates... amazing. But stop there. No more. End. Say good bye. Great movie, but stop.
25 May 2007
Matt Berry concert.. AHHHHHH
Alright, so even though it's 1am, and I'll be seeing Pirates in 12 hours, I needed to write, to tell you about my night. It was SO COOL! It was amazing, and I just wish it could have lasted longer.
We went to see Matt Berry in concert. Matt Berry is in Snuffbox, he's Dixon Bainbridge in The Mighty Boosh. I put a picture of him and Rich Fulcher below so you can see what they look like in the Snuffbox.

Alright, so Matt is on the right, and Rich on the left. Matt is not just an actor though, he sings and composes. He does all the songs on the Snuffbox, and he did the AD/BC Rock Opera, which is about the birth of Christ from the point of the innkeeper. Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding, Richard Ayoade, and Rich Fulcher are in it, and of course the most important.
We heard about this concert from maybe MySpace... that's where I always went to get information about it... Matt is my friend on myspace! Along with Rich Fulcher. Woohoo. Anyway, so we decided we had to go. So Jenna, Amaya, Kathleen and I got tickets, and were very excited about all it. We had hopes that maybe his Boosh friends would be there... you know maybe Michael Fielding (Naboo), Julian Barratt (Howard Moon), or Noel Fielding (Vince)... you know, we weren't asking that much. We had a feeling Rich Fulcher would be there, because they sing the Snuffbox theme together. So we went with high hopes.
It was at the Bloomsbury Theatre in Camden, by Euston station. We got into London, and up there by around 7:20ish. The show was at 8pm. We were walking down the street toward the theatre, and these guys walked past us. Well I was in front, and I stopped. It was Rich Fulcher. Kathleen didn't even wonder why I stopped, but Jenna started looking around, and she saw Rich Fulcher too. Kathleen should know by now that when I stop it is very important, and you should look around quickly. So that was the first of many times we saw Rich Fulcher. Anyway, we get to the theatre, get our tickets, and there he was again. I was all set to get a picture... anything, but Jenna was being very shy. We all hit the bathroom, and we were outside because it was hot, and we saw Rich Fulcher again. This time I was not going to let him go without a picture, so after some convincing, I got Amaya to come with me, and everyone got their picture taken with Rich Fulcher. Also, Richard Ayoade (Moss) from The IT Crowd was there, which made Jenna's day. I love Moss too, so I was excited, and I got my picture with him too. I was shaking, I was soo excited, and the show had not even started yet. These guys were just hanging out in front of the theatre. So COOL!

So when it was time, we went inside. We had great seats, I don't think there was a bad seat in this theatre. I wish we were a little closer for pictures, but it was still great. We sat in Row K. The opening act Jonas3, they were okay. Their first song was good, but then all their others just sounded like the first one... and they sounded like a hundred other bands I know, so it got really old quickly. I was also so excited for Matt Berry, that I really wanted them to get off. For the last part of it, Rich Fulcher was sitting behind us! Cool! It was so funny, whenever the doors opened and someone came in, we would all stare just hoping for Julian and Noel. We were convinced they would show up, and sit ohhh next to us.
And then Matt Berry came out. He has this amazing voice, it's very strong and unique, and he did this opening thing. I didn't really hear a lot of it, everyone was cheering and clapping. He sang stuff from the Snuffbox, the Rock Opera, his album... everything. Everyone was so excited when he sang the Hangman's Song. I was screaming... it was awesome! When he did the Snuffbox theme, Rich Fulcher came out and sang with him! I was so excited. They then went into the Swear Song which Rich and some others sing at the end of the third episode, or the 4th... umm one of them. Amazing. The second time he sang something from the Rock Opera, we really did think that Julian would come out, but nooooo. It was a little sad.
He made a lot of jokes with his back up singers, making fun of them, threatening to shoot one of them... the usual. When he introduced Rich, everyone cheered, and he was upset. We hurt his feelings. The screen behind them constantly had pictures on it, and it really looked like he googled his name, and just put up the pictures that he found. So funny. He sang one song about Hot Dogs, and it was gross. The slideshow had people like throwing up hot dogs... ewww. But it was a funny song. I need his album now!
His last song was about Unfortunate people... haha, and his slide show was celebrities who have fallen in popularity or have been in trouble about things they say. I didn't get it, until I saw a picture of Paris Hilton! HAHAH! I was surprised there was no Brittany Spears. Mel Gibson was up there twice...
Rich was so funny. He danced back and forth across the stage, and by the end he looked like he had been on stage for awhile. He was sweating, and his shirt was untucked... Matt looked just fine. He looked like he just came out from backstage! Love it!
Matt Berry was only on stage for an hour, which was a little sad. He was so great, and funny, and I would have watched him forever. When he said it was his last song, everyone pleaded for more. I loved it, it was amazing, and I'm so happy we went! I really wish Noel or Julian were there.. that would have made the evening even better.
After the concert, we stood around for a little bit to see if we could get an autograph, but he didn't come out, so we left. We got gelato in Leicester Square, and then went down to Trafalgar Square where they put grass down! It's just for the day, but we had to see this. It was interesting. It was about 11pm, and there was sooo many people just sitting on the grass drinking, and having a good time.
It was then that Amaya was messing with her new camera, and going on about how she needed to format it. She just got this new camera, and I have never formatted a memory disk thing for a camera. She said she needed it, since her 1gb memory disk was only giving her like 350 pictures, and I said, "Well don't format until you take those pictures off", and then she looked up at me and said, "Why didn't you tell me that before?" As I was talking, she formatted her camera, and Lost all her pictures. She had one of Matt Berry doing his point. Matt Berry deserves an award for being the best pointer in the world. He always points, it's just great! Jenna and I just shook our heads at her...
But it was amazing, the whole night was SO COOL! I cannot believe I met Rich Fulcher and Richard Ayoade! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Alright, I should go to bed. It's now 2am!
We went to see Matt Berry in concert. Matt Berry is in Snuffbox, he's Dixon Bainbridge in The Mighty Boosh. I put a picture of him and Rich Fulcher below so you can see what they look like in the Snuffbox.

Alright, so Matt is on the right, and Rich on the left. Matt is not just an actor though, he sings and composes. He does all the songs on the Snuffbox, and he did the AD/BC Rock Opera, which is about the birth of Christ from the point of the innkeeper. Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding, Richard Ayoade, and Rich Fulcher are in it, and of course the most important.
We heard about this concert from maybe MySpace... that's where I always went to get information about it... Matt is my friend on myspace! Along with Rich Fulcher. Woohoo. Anyway, so we decided we had to go. So Jenna, Amaya, Kathleen and I got tickets, and were very excited about all it. We had hopes that maybe his Boosh friends would be there... you know maybe Michael Fielding (Naboo), Julian Barratt (Howard Moon), or Noel Fielding (Vince)... you know, we weren't asking that much. We had a feeling Rich Fulcher would be there, because they sing the Snuffbox theme together. So we went with high hopes.
It was at the Bloomsbury Theatre in Camden, by Euston station. We got into London, and up there by around 7:20ish. The show was at 8pm. We were walking down the street toward the theatre, and these guys walked past us. Well I was in front, and I stopped. It was Rich Fulcher. Kathleen didn't even wonder why I stopped, but Jenna started looking around, and she saw Rich Fulcher too. Kathleen should know by now that when I stop it is very important, and you should look around quickly. So that was the first of many times we saw Rich Fulcher. Anyway, we get to the theatre, get our tickets, and there he was again. I was all set to get a picture... anything, but Jenna was being very shy. We all hit the bathroom, and we were outside because it was hot, and we saw Rich Fulcher again. This time I was not going to let him go without a picture, so after some convincing, I got Amaya to come with me, and everyone got their picture taken with Rich Fulcher. Also, Richard Ayoade (Moss) from The IT Crowd was there, which made Jenna's day. I love Moss too, so I was excited, and I got my picture with him too. I was shaking, I was soo excited, and the show had not even started yet. These guys were just hanging out in front of the theatre. So COOL!
So when it was time, we went inside. We had great seats, I don't think there was a bad seat in this theatre. I wish we were a little closer for pictures, but it was still great. We sat in Row K. The opening act Jonas3, they were okay. Their first song was good, but then all their others just sounded like the first one... and they sounded like a hundred other bands I know, so it got really old quickly. I was also so excited for Matt Berry, that I really wanted them to get off. For the last part of it, Rich Fulcher was sitting behind us! Cool! It was so funny, whenever the doors opened and someone came in, we would all stare just hoping for Julian and Noel. We were convinced they would show up, and sit ohhh next to us.
And then Matt Berry came out. He has this amazing voice, it's very strong and unique, and he did this opening thing. I didn't really hear a lot of it, everyone was cheering and clapping. He sang stuff from the Snuffbox, the Rock Opera, his album... everything. Everyone was so excited when he sang the Hangman's Song. I was screaming... it was awesome! When he did the Snuffbox theme, Rich Fulcher came out and sang with him! I was so excited. They then went into the Swear Song which Rich and some others sing at the end of the third episode, or the 4th... umm one of them. Amazing. The second time he sang something from the Rock Opera, we really did think that Julian would come out, but nooooo. It was a little sad.
He made a lot of jokes with his back up singers, making fun of them, threatening to shoot one of them... the usual. When he introduced Rich, everyone cheered, and he was upset. We hurt his feelings. The screen behind them constantly had pictures on it, and it really looked like he googled his name, and just put up the pictures that he found. So funny. He sang one song about Hot Dogs, and it was gross. The slideshow had people like throwing up hot dogs... ewww. But it was a funny song. I need his album now!
His last song was about Unfortunate people... haha, and his slide show was celebrities who have fallen in popularity or have been in trouble about things they say. I didn't get it, until I saw a picture of Paris Hilton! HAHAH! I was surprised there was no Brittany Spears. Mel Gibson was up there twice...
Rich was so funny. He danced back and forth across the stage, and by the end he looked like he had been on stage for awhile. He was sweating, and his shirt was untucked... Matt looked just fine. He looked like he just came out from backstage! Love it!
Matt Berry was only on stage for an hour, which was a little sad. He was so great, and funny, and I would have watched him forever. When he said it was his last song, everyone pleaded for more. I loved it, it was amazing, and I'm so happy we went! I really wish Noel or Julian were there.. that would have made the evening even better.
After the concert, we stood around for a little bit to see if we could get an autograph, but he didn't come out, so we left. We got gelato in Leicester Square, and then went down to Trafalgar Square where they put grass down! It's just for the day, but we had to see this. It was interesting. It was about 11pm, and there was sooo many people just sitting on the grass drinking, and having a good time.
It was then that Amaya was messing with her new camera, and going on about how she needed to format it. She just got this new camera, and I have never formatted a memory disk thing for a camera. She said she needed it, since her 1gb memory disk was only giving her like 350 pictures, and I said, "Well don't format until you take those pictures off", and then she looked up at me and said, "Why didn't you tell me that before?" As I was talking, she formatted her camera, and Lost all her pictures. She had one of Matt Berry doing his point. Matt Berry deserves an award for being the best pointer in the world. He always points, it's just great! Jenna and I just shook our heads at her...
But it was amazing, the whole night was SO COOL! I cannot believe I met Rich Fulcher and Richard Ayoade! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Alright, I should go to bed. It's now 2am!
23 May 2007
100 Posts!!!!!!
So this is my 100th post!!!! Wow, insane.
I am so excited, I am so tired of studying! I've been going hard since 7 May, and wow I'm done. I took my test today at 3:30, and I seriously felt like I was taking my OWLs. There was 3 teachers walking around the whole time making sure we didn't cheat... we were writing essays so that is a little difficult to cheat, not that I have thought about it too much. But we each had our own little table, cell phones, anything in our pockets, water, the whole deal had to be put under our desks, our bags across the room, and we had to have our Student ID cards on the table. We had to sign something saying that we wouldn't cheat, and if we did we know the consequences. I was afraid to look at the ceiling. The exam was two essays, and I did them in ohhh 1 hour and 15 minutes. Shoot. The test was 2 hours. The British believe that you need like a half an hour to plan your essays, and of course I go right to writing. So when I was done I just sat there. I was afraid to move. But one of the teachers saw me staring at my pens, and asked if I was done. I ran out of there, and Alissa followed me like 5 minutes later. She didn't want to be the first one done either. The exam was okay, I think I did well.
Since being done, I have been celebrating.. Pizza Experts, and then out to eat with everyone, and then back here for Black Books. Another new good TV show, with the Irish comedian that I fell asleep during when I was in Cork... opps. But he is good, and really funny. We watched the rest of Season 1 today, it's amazing.
Last night was so funny. Elyse called me saying she was at Wags, and sitting across the restaurant was Michael Fielding. Of course she said, "I'm sitting in Wagamama's in Putney, and looking at Naboo." I thought she said the zoo, but no she said Naboo. Michael Fielding... Noel's younger brother. I was very mad... I yelled, I begged for an autograph, for her to kidnap him... anything. I also asked if Dave Brown was with him, or Julian... Noel... anyone. She didn't get an autograph though, or anything. I told her that I am going to have to turn my back to her. It's Naboo's favourite line. After I got off the phone with her though, I went to Fridays, where the girls were celebrating Cassie's 21st, and I told them to the news in person. I needed to see Kathleen's face, it was a mixture of tears and anger. Hahah.
Matt Berry is tomorrow... I am so excited. Jenna, Amaya, Kathleen and I are going, and rumour on the streets says that whenever he sings the theme to Snuff Box, he doesn't sing it alone. Woohoo. Which means Rich Fulcher is going to be there. We are hoping that Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt will be there too, they are the two main actors in The Mighty Boosh.
Oh well, time to go. I'm tired and I need sleep... too much studying is bad for you.
I am so excited, I am so tired of studying! I've been going hard since 7 May, and wow I'm done. I took my test today at 3:30, and I seriously felt like I was taking my OWLs. There was 3 teachers walking around the whole time making sure we didn't cheat... we were writing essays so that is a little difficult to cheat, not that I have thought about it too much. But we each had our own little table, cell phones, anything in our pockets, water, the whole deal had to be put under our desks, our bags across the room, and we had to have our Student ID cards on the table. We had to sign something saying that we wouldn't cheat, and if we did we know the consequences. I was afraid to look at the ceiling. The exam was two essays, and I did them in ohhh 1 hour and 15 minutes. Shoot. The test was 2 hours. The British believe that you need like a half an hour to plan your essays, and of course I go right to writing. So when I was done I just sat there. I was afraid to move. But one of the teachers saw me staring at my pens, and asked if I was done. I ran out of there, and Alissa followed me like 5 minutes later. She didn't want to be the first one done either. The exam was okay, I think I did well.
Since being done, I have been celebrating.. Pizza Experts, and then out to eat with everyone, and then back here for Black Books. Another new good TV show, with the Irish comedian that I fell asleep during when I was in Cork... opps. But he is good, and really funny. We watched the rest of Season 1 today, it's amazing.
Last night was so funny. Elyse called me saying she was at Wags, and sitting across the restaurant was Michael Fielding. Of course she said, "I'm sitting in Wagamama's in Putney, and looking at Naboo." I thought she said the zoo, but no she said Naboo. Michael Fielding... Noel's younger brother. I was very mad... I yelled, I begged for an autograph, for her to kidnap him... anything. I also asked if Dave Brown was with him, or Julian... Noel... anyone. She didn't get an autograph though, or anything. I told her that I am going to have to turn my back to her. It's Naboo's favourite line. After I got off the phone with her though, I went to Fridays, where the girls were celebrating Cassie's 21st, and I told them to the news in person. I needed to see Kathleen's face, it was a mixture of tears and anger. Hahah.
Matt Berry is tomorrow... I am so excited. Jenna, Amaya, Kathleen and I are going, and rumour on the streets says that whenever he sings the theme to Snuff Box, he doesn't sing it alone. Woohoo. Which means Rich Fulcher is going to be there. We are hoping that Noel Fielding and Julian Barratt will be there too, they are the two main actors in The Mighty Boosh.
Oh well, time to go. I'm tired and I need sleep... too much studying is bad for you.
17 May 2007
Half Done
Hey, so I need a break from The Lonely Londoners... it's an horrible book. I'm studying for my Fiction and Social Change test, but I need a short break.
I'm half done, I turned in my Children's Literature paper yesterday, and rewarded myself with a milkshake with Sammie and her boyfriend Kamran, and then after hanging out with her for a while, I met up with Kathleen, Jenna and Danielle at Lloyds. Milkshakes with Sammie was good, we went to the shake place down the street from me. I got a Twix shake, basically they blend a twix with ice cream... YUMMY. After shakes, we came back to the Bridge House, because Sammie has never had a girl scout cookie. I KNOW. They have girl scouts, but no cookies. About a month ago, I heard that I was being sent a package, and I prayed that girl scout cookies would be in it, and I was telling Sammie about this before class, and she just looked at me and said, "They aren't just in the movies?" I laughed, and I promised her a cookie or two, if I got them. So she and her friend both tried one, they had Carmel Delights, and they liked it! I was very happy, since Carmel Delights are my favorites.
We then went shopping at the Bentall Centre, Sammie needed a jacket, which was found and bought... and I met up with the girls at Lloyds. I promised Sammie that we would hang out again. So she's graduating this year, but the ceremony isn't until next January. I don't know why, I asked, she couldn't give me a good reason. But next year, is going to King's College and doing nursing. She is going from Drama and some English to Nursing. Go figure. I'm going to miss her, she did promise to come to the States when she is done with uni, but I guess she has been making that promise to someone in Illinois too, so maybe it will happen. She wants to come for Thanksgiving, again she has only seen it in the movies, which I laughed at. Poor Sammie, no girl scout cookies or Thanksgiving.
Last night, Kathleen rented Casino Royale, and it wasn't bad, but it didn't feel like a Bond movie. The music threw me off, and he didn't care about his drinks. There was one part, he ordered a martini, and the waiter said, "Shaken or stirred?" and he responded, "Do I look like someone who cares?" Bond always cares about his martini... it threw me off. It was okay, I expected better. I wasn't as vocal in my dislike of it as Jenna and Danielle. I told them to be quiet so many times, they thought it was okay to talk during movies. No it isn't, biggest pet peeve in the world, and no one cares. I try and respect other people's pet peeves, but no one cares about mine. Argh.
I keep thinking about how much time I have left... I will admit to panicking a little bit. Kathleen, Jenna and Amaya are so apart of my life that the thought of not seeing them scares me. I'm sure I'm repeating myself, but I wasn't scared about coming, but I am about leaving. I'm reading The Lonely Londoners, and the character always is talking about Notting Hill Gate, the Pic, Waterloo, Kensington... all these places that I know, and I love. I won't see them next year, I won't be able to stalk Camden Town, which I haven't done yet, that's my next trip to London, but we have plans... finding Graham Street where Julian Barratt lives, okay yeah we are stalkers.
Oh well, I better finish this stupid book before Hollyoaks, it will make me feel so much better to have it out of the way.
I'm half done, I turned in my Children's Literature paper yesterday, and rewarded myself with a milkshake with Sammie and her boyfriend Kamran, and then after hanging out with her for a while, I met up with Kathleen, Jenna and Danielle at Lloyds. Milkshakes with Sammie was good, we went to the shake place down the street from me. I got a Twix shake, basically they blend a twix with ice cream... YUMMY. After shakes, we came back to the Bridge House, because Sammie has never had a girl scout cookie. I KNOW. They have girl scouts, but no cookies. About a month ago, I heard that I was being sent a package, and I prayed that girl scout cookies would be in it, and I was telling Sammie about this before class, and she just looked at me and said, "They aren't just in the movies?" I laughed, and I promised her a cookie or two, if I got them. So she and her friend both tried one, they had Carmel Delights, and they liked it! I was very happy, since Carmel Delights are my favorites.
We then went shopping at the Bentall Centre, Sammie needed a jacket, which was found and bought... and I met up with the girls at Lloyds. I promised Sammie that we would hang out again. So she's graduating this year, but the ceremony isn't until next January. I don't know why, I asked, she couldn't give me a good reason. But next year, is going to King's College and doing nursing. She is going from Drama and some English to Nursing. Go figure. I'm going to miss her, she did promise to come to the States when she is done with uni, but I guess she has been making that promise to someone in Illinois too, so maybe it will happen. She wants to come for Thanksgiving, again she has only seen it in the movies, which I laughed at. Poor Sammie, no girl scout cookies or Thanksgiving.
Last night, Kathleen rented Casino Royale, and it wasn't bad, but it didn't feel like a Bond movie. The music threw me off, and he didn't care about his drinks. There was one part, he ordered a martini, and the waiter said, "Shaken or stirred?" and he responded, "Do I look like someone who cares?" Bond always cares about his martini... it threw me off. It was okay, I expected better. I wasn't as vocal in my dislike of it as Jenna and Danielle. I told them to be quiet so many times, they thought it was okay to talk during movies. No it isn't, biggest pet peeve in the world, and no one cares. I try and respect other people's pet peeves, but no one cares about mine. Argh.
I keep thinking about how much time I have left... I will admit to panicking a little bit. Kathleen, Jenna and Amaya are so apart of my life that the thought of not seeing them scares me. I'm sure I'm repeating myself, but I wasn't scared about coming, but I am about leaving. I'm reading The Lonely Londoners, and the character always is talking about Notting Hill Gate, the Pic, Waterloo, Kensington... all these places that I know, and I love. I won't see them next year, I won't be able to stalk Camden Town, which I haven't done yet, that's my next trip to London, but we have plans... finding Graham Street where Julian Barratt lives, okay yeah we are stalkers.
Oh well, I better finish this stupid book before Hollyoaks, it will make me feel so much better to have it out of the way.
13 May 2007
I am alive
Hey, so I just thought I would write, and yes I am alive. I've been writing a paper for ohhhh well since Wednesday night, and now Sunday night I finally have 2588 words!!! WOOHOO! It's suppose to be 3000 words, and I have not written my conclusion, or put in footnotes yet. Sooo excited. My paper is about Narnia and Peter Pan, and how there is too much violence in them. For a draft, it's not bad.
Other than writing I've been watching Robin Hood, and my new favorite show Snuff Box. In Snuff Box is Matt Berry and Rich Fulcher, two of the actors from The Mighty Boosh. It's very different from the Boosh, but just as funny. Matt Berry's character owns a gentleman's club, and he and Rich also work as hangers! It's amazing, they sing songs, and Rich Fulcher dresses up as David Beckham in a skit where he is a repair man... it's just amazing. That brings my British TV shows up to 5... The Mighty Boosh, The IT Crowd (another good one), Snuff Box, Robin Hood, and Hollyoaks. Um all but two have the same actors in it... hehe.
But other than watching TV for a distraction I've been doing basically nothing. I talked to Tooch today, who is in Paris. Tooch is a hockey friend, we go to USM together. She is going to Paris and then to Spain and then Rome. She got really defensive when I said Paris was the dirtest city in Europe... she said it's cleaner than NY and Boston, but they don't smell like Paris. Not that I have been there, but Nguyen, Kathleen, Cassie and Amaya have been there, and they all agree. It's something that is just known.
Well better go, tonight I leave the Bridge House... scary. We are going to Seething Wells for a pizza night with Jenna and watch Matt Berry's AD/BC Rock Opera, which I way too excited about. P.S We might be seeing Matt Berry in concert...ahhhhhh
Other than writing I've been watching Robin Hood, and my new favorite show Snuff Box. In Snuff Box is Matt Berry and Rich Fulcher, two of the actors from The Mighty Boosh. It's very different from the Boosh, but just as funny. Matt Berry's character owns a gentleman's club, and he and Rich also work as hangers! It's amazing, they sing songs, and Rich Fulcher dresses up as David Beckham in a skit where he is a repair man... it's just amazing. That brings my British TV shows up to 5... The Mighty Boosh, The IT Crowd (another good one), Snuff Box, Robin Hood, and Hollyoaks. Um all but two have the same actors in it... hehe.
But other than watching TV for a distraction I've been doing basically nothing. I talked to Tooch today, who is in Paris. Tooch is a hockey friend, we go to USM together. She is going to Paris and then to Spain and then Rome. She got really defensive when I said Paris was the dirtest city in Europe... she said it's cleaner than NY and Boston, but they don't smell like Paris. Not that I have been there, but Nguyen, Kathleen, Cassie and Amaya have been there, and they all agree. It's something that is just known.
Well better go, tonight I leave the Bridge House... scary. We are going to Seething Wells for a pizza night with Jenna and watch Matt Berry's AD/BC Rock Opera, which I way too excited about. P.S We might be seeing Matt Berry in concert...ahhhhhh
07 May 2007
Changing of the guard woes
So since I last wrote I took a cruise on the Thames and had a wonderful time. It was a great farewell from the Study Abroad Office, Jen, Philip, and Alison were all there, and Jen of course was in party mode. Philip's eyes widened a few times at Jen dancing... hehe. Love Jen. The tour went up past Hampton Court Palace, and past it for about an hour, turned around, and then went past Teddington, and then turned around. Good times.
Of course the next morning came really early. I was up around 9am for some reason, and I decided I might as well get up. Elyse and her cousin Jen were going into London, and to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham. It's at 11:30am, so I got there around 11am. UM with the amount of people there I was sure the Queen was going to make an appearance. It was insane. I called Elyse, and asked where she was, and we played the fun game of trying to find each other. We did, of course, and it wasn't hard. They were pretty close to the gates. They were amused to see me, who gets up at 9am on a Saturday???
Anyway so the Changing of the Guard on Saturdays has a band! The guards and band march up from some street, or maybe from another the Palace, not sure, and they march into the gates, do a few songs, come out, go around the gates, go back in, and repeat. It's basically so everyone can see them... I guess. But when we could see the guards, Elyse, Jen and I basically got molested. Someone had their arms around Elyse's head to take a picture, someone was using my shoulder as a camera stand... argh. It was pretty annoying. And of course being me, very annoyed, I said, "They don't even have the coolest guard uniforms... Athens wins there." I got a few looks for that, but it's true. Yeah the black hats are funny as anything, but the Athens guards are in skirts, funny hats and puffs on their shoes. They win. Elyse recorded a few of the songs that the band played, but then the two of us couldn't handle it any longer, so we got out, and retreated to Green Park to wait for Jen. We sat on a wall, and just talked. It was cool.
When Jen joined us, we went over to Westminster, and she went into the Abbey. Elyse and I went into a pub to wait for her. We got some chips... it was really cool. Elyse and I haven''t hung out that much, so it was nice just to sit and talk.
When Jen joined us, we got lunch, and it was sooo good. Just a BLT, but it was yummy. After that, I took her on the touristy tour of London: Downing Street, Horse Guard Academy, Trafalgar Square, Pic, Leicester Square, and some of Soho. I showed her Chinastreet. After that Jen asked if we could go to Abbey Road. ARGH. She mentioned this during lunch, and I had texted Jenna to see where it was. I had a feeling it was up by St. Johns Wood, but my level of caring was pretty low.
So we went up to St. Johns Wood... and it was pretty easy to get there. We were looking for it, and I saw this wall with a lot of writing on it, and I thought 'um... this might be it'. For a second, I looked at Abbey Road Studios, and I thought 'hey the last shot of Lord of the Rings was shot here, and Gladiator was scored here'. I cared for a little bit, but then good feeling was gone. Jen and Elyse did the walk, Elyse almost was dragged, and I refused to do it. There was a bunch of guys sitting on the wall by the crosswalk, and I'm sure they sit there all the time, and just laugh at tourists.
After that, I went home. Elyse and Jen were going to Harrods, but that was out of my way, so we went our separate ways. Actually, we went on the Underground together until Green Park, and then we separated. I took the train to Surbiton, and then the bus to the Wick. I love doing that, I think it's about the same time, but I like the switch between the train and the bus. On the bus, I always sit on the top in the front seat... it has my name on it. All 281 buses have my name on my seat.
Sunday I started studying for my Global English test. Fun times. On Tuesday, I redid my myspace page instead of studying, and it looks amazing. For the Boosh fans out there, they love it, for those who have seen the Boosh they think it's over done. It's amazing. But I will have you know, that I think I aced the exam, it was actually somewhat easy, and half of what I studied, I didn't need. That is why I hate tests... give me a paper.
Tomorrow I start working on my Children's Literature paper again. I started a week or two ago, but had to give up, so I could concentrate on the exam.
Oh well, it's about midnight, I should get going, I have to clean the floor.
Of course the next morning came really early. I was up around 9am for some reason, and I decided I might as well get up. Elyse and her cousin Jen were going into London, and to see the changing of the guard at Buckingham. It's at 11:30am, so I got there around 11am. UM with the amount of people there I was sure the Queen was going to make an appearance. It was insane. I called Elyse, and asked where she was, and we played the fun game of trying to find each other. We did, of course, and it wasn't hard. They were pretty close to the gates. They were amused to see me, who gets up at 9am on a Saturday???
Anyway so the Changing of the Guard on Saturdays has a band! The guards and band march up from some street, or maybe from another the Palace, not sure, and they march into the gates, do a few songs, come out, go around the gates, go back in, and repeat. It's basically so everyone can see them... I guess. But when we could see the guards, Elyse, Jen and I basically got molested. Someone had their arms around Elyse's head to take a picture, someone was using my shoulder as a camera stand... argh. It was pretty annoying. And of course being me, very annoyed, I said, "They don't even have the coolest guard uniforms... Athens wins there." I got a few looks for that, but it's true. Yeah the black hats are funny as anything, but the Athens guards are in skirts, funny hats and puffs on their shoes. They win. Elyse recorded a few of the songs that the band played, but then the two of us couldn't handle it any longer, so we got out, and retreated to Green Park to wait for Jen. We sat on a wall, and just talked. It was cool.
When Jen joined us, we went over to Westminster, and she went into the Abbey. Elyse and I went into a pub to wait for her. We got some chips... it was really cool. Elyse and I haven''t hung out that much, so it was nice just to sit and talk.
When Jen joined us, we got lunch, and it was sooo good. Just a BLT, but it was yummy. After that, I took her on the touristy tour of London: Downing Street, Horse Guard Academy, Trafalgar Square, Pic, Leicester Square, and some of Soho. I showed her Chinastreet. After that Jen asked if we could go to Abbey Road. ARGH. She mentioned this during lunch, and I had texted Jenna to see where it was. I had a feeling it was up by St. Johns Wood, but my level of caring was pretty low.
So we went up to St. Johns Wood... and it was pretty easy to get there. We were looking for it, and I saw this wall with a lot of writing on it, and I thought 'um... this might be it'. For a second, I looked at Abbey Road Studios, and I thought 'hey the last shot of Lord of the Rings was shot here, and Gladiator was scored here'. I cared for a little bit, but then good feeling was gone. Jen and Elyse did the walk, Elyse almost was dragged, and I refused to do it. There was a bunch of guys sitting on the wall by the crosswalk, and I'm sure they sit there all the time, and just laugh at tourists.
After that, I went home. Elyse and Jen were going to Harrods, but that was out of my way, so we went our separate ways. Actually, we went on the Underground together until Green Park, and then we separated. I took the train to Surbiton, and then the bus to the Wick. I love doing that, I think it's about the same time, but I like the switch between the train and the bus. On the bus, I always sit on the top in the front seat... it has my name on it. All 281 buses have my name on my seat.
Sunday I started studying for my Global English test. Fun times. On Tuesday, I redid my myspace page instead of studying, and it looks amazing. For the Boosh fans out there, they love it, for those who have seen the Boosh they think it's over done. It's amazing. But I will have you know, that I think I aced the exam, it was actually somewhat easy, and half of what I studied, I didn't need. That is why I hate tests... give me a paper.
Tomorrow I start working on my Children's Literature paper again. I started a week or two ago, but had to give up, so I could concentrate on the exam.
Oh well, it's about midnight, I should get going, I have to clean the floor.
04 May 2007
How Time Flies when one plays Charades
So I thought after all my posts about my vacation, I should bring everyone up to date. I did talk about school ending, my last class is in 4 hours, and then exams starting. Ewww. I have my first exam the 9th, it's for Global English. I was talking to Francisco, one of Victor's friends, who is in my class, and from Spain, and his jaw was on the ground when I said no I haven't studying yet. Apparently he started during vacation??? I have plenty of time, I plan to start Sunday, and go full at it. Thankfully this time around I don't have to write 5 papers, just two exams, and two papers. One of my papers will be interesting, it's for my Narrative class, and I have to expand a piece of creative writing from a seminar class, and then critique myself on it. Not looking forward to the critiquing part... For the piece I have a few to choose from, so I'm not sure what piece I'll do yet. I don't have to worry about that one for a week or two. My Children's Lit paper is already making me angry. There is no criticism on C.S. Lewis. Well barely any. I search C.S Lewis or Narnia, and I get Tolkien. Why couldn't we have read The Hobbit? Oh yeah, because my teacher thinks Lewis is a genius for taking everything important in our world, and putting it all into one book, while Tolkien is not a genius for creating at least 3 languages, and the complex world of Middle Earth. Um. Go figure. I love Lewis, but he is random, and a little over the top with all the religious stuff. Anyway, I might have to change books, and write a paper about yes there is too much violence in Peter Pan and Wind in the Willows... maybe. Narnia is a prefect book to write about, but can't find anything to back my thesis up. So angry.
Anyway, it's weird, I keep having these conversations with my friends about leaving. I don't know why, no one wants to talk about it, but we do. I had a long one with Monica the other night, who thinks my prophecy about being forced on the plane just might come true. She is here until the 19th of June at least, and was telling me that she does not want to leave at all. I don't blame her, I don't want to leave, and neither does anyone I know. I knew this would be a fun experience, but it's been something out of this world! I'm going to miss everyone, Baz and Martin too. Martin is just so cute, he's like a cute little 12 year old, and then I'm going to miss Baz's laugh, it's so funny. We imitate it a lot... hehe. I'm so going to miss our family dinners, we sit around and watch the Simpsons and Hollyoaks. Well not the Simpsons every night, but at 6:30pm, we are all in the kitchen, expect Baz... weird.
Elyse told me the other day that she wishes she did a year. I asked her if she could hear the whispering voice in her ear saying, "Told you so", and that it was me. I'm cruel, but I did tell her she should do a year. Who listens to me though? I couldn't imagine just doing a semester, there is so much I still long to do, but I'm running out of time. I feel that I've really emerged in the culture, and I fit in a lot better than I did when I first got here. I can understand Baz and Martin, that deserves a prize in its own. I mean, I have to get use to the accents, and then Baz is from the north, so that's a whole different accent. It no longer confuses me when he says, "All right?" as a form of greeting. When I first got here, I would be like, "yeah you?" Now I just say "hey, whats up?" I don't care whats up, and he doesn't want to know how I am... I get it.
The title of this entry goes to last night, we watched Lost of course. Every Thursday, I download it, Jenna comes over, and we watch Lost. It usually involves us screaming like girls, especially when the two people got buried alive, or when Charlie might be killed, oh wait that's just me. I'm so glad I got Kathleen and Amaya into Lost, it's no fun watching it by yourself. But after Lost, we played charades in my room. We did movies, and at first I so not into it. I acted out shooting an arrow, and Amaya guessed Robin Hood. Yeah I was not into it, but by the end I was climbing into my wardrobe trying to act out The Insider. LOL! I did that and kept glaring at Maximus, but no one got the hint. The first one was funny, Kathleen kept leaving my room, and then pretending there was wind, and Jenna could not get it. I was trying to find a preview for next week for Lost, and without even looking up, I said, "Gone with the Wind." I was right. Lol! Jenna was so mad. The other good one was when I did The English Patient, and I kept pointing at the wall, well next door to me which is Martin's room, and they finally figured out it was Martin, and that he is English. So then I did second word, and I started to fall to the ground in a controlled way, to be a patient, and Amaya said, "The English Patient", and I guess I was disappointed that she got it, that I really just fell to the ground, and yeah that hurt. I lost control... floor is not soft. We laughed about that one for awhile. Or Amaya did the Mighty Boosh... and she was playing with her hair, and sticking it up, and she was trying to show Vince's hair... I got it, not even sure why I said the Mighty Boosh, but she was just being a mod. We played for a while though, and acted out Hot Fuzz, English Patient, The Insider, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, From Hell, Pirates, Narnia, The Mighty Ducks, Alpha Dog, The Count of Monte Crisco, Crash (I fell into Amaya for that), um so many others, all from our movie collections. It was so much fun, but before we knew it, it was getting late. Before Jenna went home, I made tea and put it in my Harrod's teapot, I promised Jenna I would make tea for her using it. She loved it.
I guess I tell the story of charades, because this blog goes places, tell stories of dreams, and yet a lot of the time I hang around Kingston, and the Bridge House. We have so much fun doing nothing, playing a game of charades, or sitting around drinking tea. Right now I'm laying on my bed watching the Tutors, and just writing. I should be eating, because I did promise to arrive at class a little early. I guess times like last night are the ones I will miss the most, well other than traveling around Europe. The friends I have made here: Kathleen, Amaya, Jenna are three of my dearest friends I have. I know everyone says this, and I do many times, but I can't think what I did without them. Especially Kathleen and Amaya... I spend so much time with them, but I never grow sick of them. My thoughts these days are constantly on the thought of going home, and I just hate it. I do love America, I am eager to see everyone, BUT, then the thought plagues me if I ever will see the girls again. Will I ever see Sammie again?? Argh. I did know that leaving would be different, but this is going to be the death of me. And I know that my parents must love this entry.
But that's about it. Elyse's cousin is here, so I might be going into London with them tomorrow. We had lunch the other day, we went to Lloyds, and they liked that. The Kingston Study Abroad Office is saying goodbye to us on a cruise of the Thames... oh yes, so exciting. I heard a few girls are really dressing up for this, like in real dresses, and I laughed at that. Jeans and a blouse all the way. We will be going like to Richmond and around that area, not to London sadly. That would be fun!
Well I suppose I should get going, I have to do a presentation today in class about the English situation in America. The making English the official language stuff to be exact. My group is made up of Alex, who is Greek, Francisco and Brian who are Spanish, and Tariq who is English.. and then me! They let me choose the question, so of course I picked the one on America... am I stupid??? I did have to help them figure out who's who, and what are reliable sources, but it's been fun. We present today in the form of a debate, and it's Tariq and I against the other boys. Tariq and I are pro english... woohoo. Of course before we start the debate, I have to tell everything I know about American history in about 2 seconds. So much fun, I have to talk about 1776, and I love doing that in England. I always want to go, "England lost? Against who? Farmers what?" Hehhehe.
Wish me luck!
Anyway, it's weird, I keep having these conversations with my friends about leaving. I don't know why, no one wants to talk about it, but we do. I had a long one with Monica the other night, who thinks my prophecy about being forced on the plane just might come true. She is here until the 19th of June at least, and was telling me that she does not want to leave at all. I don't blame her, I don't want to leave, and neither does anyone I know. I knew this would be a fun experience, but it's been something out of this world! I'm going to miss everyone, Baz and Martin too. Martin is just so cute, he's like a cute little 12 year old, and then I'm going to miss Baz's laugh, it's so funny. We imitate it a lot... hehe. I'm so going to miss our family dinners, we sit around and watch the Simpsons and Hollyoaks. Well not the Simpsons every night, but at 6:30pm, we are all in the kitchen, expect Baz... weird.
Elyse told me the other day that she wishes she did a year. I asked her if she could hear the whispering voice in her ear saying, "Told you so", and that it was me. I'm cruel, but I did tell her she should do a year. Who listens to me though? I couldn't imagine just doing a semester, there is so much I still long to do, but I'm running out of time. I feel that I've really emerged in the culture, and I fit in a lot better than I did when I first got here. I can understand Baz and Martin, that deserves a prize in its own. I mean, I have to get use to the accents, and then Baz is from the north, so that's a whole different accent. It no longer confuses me when he says, "All right?" as a form of greeting. When I first got here, I would be like, "yeah you?" Now I just say "hey, whats up?" I don't care whats up, and he doesn't want to know how I am... I get it.
The title of this entry goes to last night, we watched Lost of course. Every Thursday, I download it, Jenna comes over, and we watch Lost. It usually involves us screaming like girls, especially when the two people got buried alive, or when Charlie might be killed, oh wait that's just me. I'm so glad I got Kathleen and Amaya into Lost, it's no fun watching it by yourself. But after Lost, we played charades in my room. We did movies, and at first I so not into it. I acted out shooting an arrow, and Amaya guessed Robin Hood. Yeah I was not into it, but by the end I was climbing into my wardrobe trying to act out The Insider. LOL! I did that and kept glaring at Maximus, but no one got the hint. The first one was funny, Kathleen kept leaving my room, and then pretending there was wind, and Jenna could not get it. I was trying to find a preview for next week for Lost, and without even looking up, I said, "Gone with the Wind." I was right. Lol! Jenna was so mad. The other good one was when I did The English Patient, and I kept pointing at the wall, well next door to me which is Martin's room, and they finally figured out it was Martin, and that he is English. So then I did second word, and I started to fall to the ground in a controlled way, to be a patient, and Amaya said, "The English Patient", and I guess I was disappointed that she got it, that I really just fell to the ground, and yeah that hurt. I lost control... floor is not soft. We laughed about that one for awhile. Or Amaya did the Mighty Boosh... and she was playing with her hair, and sticking it up, and she was trying to show Vince's hair... I got it, not even sure why I said the Mighty Boosh, but she was just being a mod. We played for a while though, and acted out Hot Fuzz, English Patient, The Insider, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, From Hell, Pirates, Narnia, The Mighty Ducks, Alpha Dog, The Count of Monte Crisco, Crash (I fell into Amaya for that), um so many others, all from our movie collections. It was so much fun, but before we knew it, it was getting late. Before Jenna went home, I made tea and put it in my Harrod's teapot, I promised Jenna I would make tea for her using it. She loved it.
I guess I tell the story of charades, because this blog goes places, tell stories of dreams, and yet a lot of the time I hang around Kingston, and the Bridge House. We have so much fun doing nothing, playing a game of charades, or sitting around drinking tea. Right now I'm laying on my bed watching the Tutors, and just writing. I should be eating, because I did promise to arrive at class a little early. I guess times like last night are the ones I will miss the most, well other than traveling around Europe. The friends I have made here: Kathleen, Amaya, Jenna are three of my dearest friends I have. I know everyone says this, and I do many times, but I can't think what I did without them. Especially Kathleen and Amaya... I spend so much time with them, but I never grow sick of them. My thoughts these days are constantly on the thought of going home, and I just hate it. I do love America, I am eager to see everyone, BUT, then the thought plagues me if I ever will see the girls again. Will I ever see Sammie again?? Argh. I did know that leaving would be different, but this is going to be the death of me. And I know that my parents must love this entry.
But that's about it. Elyse's cousin is here, so I might be going into London with them tomorrow. We had lunch the other day, we went to Lloyds, and they liked that. The Kingston Study Abroad Office is saying goodbye to us on a cruise of the Thames... oh yes, so exciting. I heard a few girls are really dressing up for this, like in real dresses, and I laughed at that. Jeans and a blouse all the way. We will be going like to Richmond and around that area, not to London sadly. That would be fun!
Well I suppose I should get going, I have to do a presentation today in class about the English situation in America. The making English the official language stuff to be exact. My group is made up of Alex, who is Greek, Francisco and Brian who are Spanish, and Tariq who is English.. and then me! They let me choose the question, so of course I picked the one on America... am I stupid??? I did have to help them figure out who's who, and what are reliable sources, but it's been fun. We present today in the form of a debate, and it's Tariq and I against the other boys. Tariq and I are pro english... woohoo. Of course before we start the debate, I have to tell everything I know about American history in about 2 seconds. So much fun, I have to talk about 1776, and I love doing that in England. I always want to go, "England lost? Against who? Farmers what?" Hehhehe.
Wish me luck!
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