We went to see Matt Berry in concert. Matt Berry is in Snuffbox, he's Dixon Bainbridge in The Mighty Boosh. I put a picture of him and Rich Fulcher below so you can see what they look like in the Snuffbox.

Alright, so Matt is on the right, and Rich on the left. Matt is not just an actor though, he sings and composes. He does all the songs on the Snuffbox, and he did the AD/BC Rock Opera, which is about the birth of Christ from the point of the innkeeper. Julian Barratt, Noel Fielding, Richard Ayoade, and Rich Fulcher are in it, and of course the most important.
We heard about this concert from maybe MySpace... that's where I always went to get information about it... Matt is my friend on myspace! Along with Rich Fulcher. Woohoo. Anyway, so we decided we had to go. So Jenna, Amaya, Kathleen and I got tickets, and were very excited about all it. We had hopes that maybe his Boosh friends would be there... you know maybe Michael Fielding (Naboo), Julian Barratt (Howard Moon), or Noel Fielding (Vince)... you know, we weren't asking that much. We had a feeling Rich Fulcher would be there, because they sing the Snuffbox theme together. So we went with high hopes.
It was at the Bloomsbury Theatre in Camden, by Euston station. We got into London, and up there by around 7:20ish. The show was at 8pm. We were walking down the street toward the theatre, and these guys walked past us. Well I was in front, and I stopped. It was Rich Fulcher. Kathleen didn't even wonder why I stopped, but Jenna started looking around, and she saw Rich Fulcher too. Kathleen should know by now that when I stop it is very important, and you should look around quickly. So that was the first of many times we saw Rich Fulcher. Anyway, we get to the theatre, get our tickets, and there he was again. I was all set to get a picture... anything, but Jenna was being very shy. We all hit the bathroom, and we were outside because it was hot, and we saw Rich Fulcher again. This time I was not going to let him go without a picture, so after some convincing, I got Amaya to come with me, and everyone got their picture taken with Rich Fulcher. Also, Richard Ayoade (Moss) from The IT Crowd was there, which made Jenna's day. I love Moss too, so I was excited, and I got my picture with him too. I was shaking, I was soo excited, and the show had not even started yet. These guys were just hanging out in front of the theatre. So COOL!
So when it was time, we went inside. We had great seats, I don't think there was a bad seat in this theatre. I wish we were a little closer for pictures, but it was still great. We sat in Row K. The opening act Jonas3, they were okay. Their first song was good, but then all their others just sounded like the first one... and they sounded like a hundred other bands I know, so it got really old quickly. I was also so excited for Matt Berry, that I really wanted them to get off. For the last part of it, Rich Fulcher was sitting behind us! Cool! It was so funny, whenever the doors opened and someone came in, we would all stare just hoping for Julian and Noel. We were convinced they would show up, and sit ohhh next to us.
And then Matt Berry came out. He has this amazing voice, it's very strong and unique, and he did this opening thing. I didn't really hear a lot of it, everyone was cheering and clapping. He sang stuff from the Snuffbox, the Rock Opera, his album... everything. Everyone was so excited when he sang the Hangman's Song. I was screaming... it was awesome! When he did the Snuffbox theme, Rich Fulcher came out and sang with him! I was so excited. They then went into the Swear Song which Rich and some others sing at the end of the third episode, or the 4th... umm one of them. Amazing. The second time he sang something from the Rock Opera, we really did think that Julian would come out, but nooooo. It was a little sad.
He made a lot of jokes with his back up singers, making fun of them, threatening to shoot one of them... the usual. When he introduced Rich, everyone cheered, and he was upset. We hurt his feelings. The screen behind them constantly had pictures on it, and it really looked like he googled his name, and just put up the pictures that he found. So funny. He sang one song about Hot Dogs, and it was gross. The slideshow had people like throwing up hot dogs... ewww. But it was a funny song. I need his album now!
His last song was about Unfortunate people... haha, and his slide show was celebrities who have fallen in popularity or have been in trouble about things they say. I didn't get it, until I saw a picture of Paris Hilton! HAHAH! I was surprised there was no Brittany Spears. Mel Gibson was up there twice...
Rich was so funny. He danced back and forth across the stage, and by the end he looked like he had been on stage for awhile. He was sweating, and his shirt was untucked... Matt looked just fine. He looked like he just came out from backstage! Love it!
Matt Berry was only on stage for an hour, which was a little sad. He was so great, and funny, and I would have watched him forever. When he said it was his last song, everyone pleaded for more. I loved it, it was amazing, and I'm so happy we went! I really wish Noel or Julian were there.. that would have made the evening even better.
After the concert, we stood around for a little bit to see if we could get an autograph, but he didn't come out, so we left. We got gelato in Leicester Square, and then went down to Trafalgar Square where they put grass down! It's just for the day, but we had to see this. It was interesting. It was about 11pm, and there was sooo many people just sitting on the grass drinking, and having a good time.
It was then that Amaya was messing with her new camera, and going on about how she needed to format it. She just got this new camera, and I have never formatted a memory disk thing for a camera. She said she needed it, since her 1gb memory disk was only giving her like 350 pictures, and I said, "Well don't format until you take those pictures off", and then she looked up at me and said, "Why didn't you tell me that before?" As I was talking, she formatted her camera, and Lost all her pictures. She had one of Matt Berry doing his point. Matt Berry deserves an award for being the best pointer in the world. He always points, it's just great! Jenna and I just shook our heads at her...
But it was amazing, the whole night was SO COOL! I cannot believe I met Rich Fulcher and Richard Ayoade! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Alright, I should go to bed. It's now 2am!
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