21 March 2007


Alright so sorry to interrupt Ireland, but I had to write about last night. We, being Kathleen, Jenna, Danielle and I saw Equus starring Daniel Radcliffe and Richard Griffiths. I found out about this play last year, and I told Monica that we should see it, and she then told me about it was about, so I backed away. Blinding horses are not my thing. But about a month ago, Jenna skyped me and asked if I wanted to see it. I thought about it more, and talked with Kathleen, Amaya and Danielle about it, and I did get talked into it.


I'm not big on plays, actually it's probably musicals I'm not a big fan of, because if you think about it a play is just like a movie. Me and movies get along great. I think the best way to describe my reaction, and what I thought about the play is to think back to Finding Neverland, when Peter is watching Peter Pan, and he is just so transfixed. He doesn't blink at all. I was like that, except my shoulders kept twitching because I was getting chills up my back. For those who don't know, Equus is a play about horses, and a 17 year old boy, who blinds 6 horses in one night. The whole play centres on this action, and Richard Griffiths character, who is a psychiatrist, trying to figure out why. It is so well written, and Richard Griffiths is funny, Daniel Radcliffe plays the angry teenager very well, giving me high hopes for the end of the 5th HP movie. Actually all of it, because that is all Harry does in Book 5.

But right before intermission there is a scene when Alan Strang is showing the psychiatrist what he does with Nugget the horse when he rides him at midnight, and it is a little creepy, involving some religion, and he's pretending to ride this horse, and just yelling these lines, and the only thing that I could think of, because I was focused in on this scene was, "He can act.. it's a miracle." It's so far from Harry Potter, he swears, he smokes, he yells.. it's all so amazing. Through a lot of the play he sits on stage on a bus, and there is a light on him, and his shadow has bars over it, like he's sitting on a windowsill in his little room, and not even there. There is so much attention to the little details, it was all so amazing.

Of course everyone is in an uproar because the end scene he's in his birthday suit, and it's the scene where he blinds the horses. The way he does it, reminds me of Achilles in Troy, when at the beginning, he does that running jump, and kills the other warrior, yeah that Daniel Radcliffe running around blinding six horses. But it's not that big of a deal, but everyone is so concerned cause he's Harry Potter. I did think it's amusing when parents let their little kids go to this to see Harry Potter. He's not.

I enjoyed it so much though, I was blown away. The other girls liked it, but not as much as I did. They didn't think Daniel Radcliffe did as good as a job as I thought. Richard Griffiths stole the show yes, but he held his own, he did a really good job. He's 17, and he's doing this play every night, and it's a hard part to play. I would recommend it to anyone, it was just so amazing.

After the show we went to the stage door. We all want Harry Potter's autograph. I mean how cool. Well Jenna got the autograph, I got the pictures. It was only Jenna that got an autograph too, so Kathleen and I are going back. Too much money was paid to see this play and not come away with his autograph, and Richard Griffiths. I got completely mobbed though. I was in such a good spot, I had my camera in one hand, my ticket in the other, and when he reached where I was only my arm could be send. I was under everyone, and I almost got knocked to the ground. I was not very happy at all.

But here are the pictures.

1 comment:

Leica said...

Thanks for posting the pictures. I would love to see it but it's on the other side of the world!