(The evidence)
Hey, so I thought I better post before I go to Ireland, and get behind on my blog. This post is about Sunday, my homework day. I had plans to do my paper, read two novels, and pass out right after dinner. Well instead I played football. And so parents do not worry, I read the two novels (basically), and I turned in my paper today (two days early), so I made up for messing around on Sunday. Go me.
Amaya called me, they were across the street in the park, and the boys were playing, and they wanted me to join them. I couldn't turn it down, I'm still 10 years old, I love to run, jump, and play. So I dressed quickly, and went outside. After a little bit, I got in the game... well actually it was just a 5 on 1. They took shots at me, because the only way I was playing was if I was goalie. I cannot kick a ball. I'm the kid, when practice is over, or the coach decides to bring out the soccer ball, so we can practice using our feet, who falls flat on their face. And I can't kick on grass either, it really doesn't go too far. So they took shots on me, and Martin took the first shot, and he basically rolled it to me. I threw it back to him, and say that I was insulted by that. So he kicked it again, and I caught it. They shot maybe 8 or 9 times before they got a goal in... woohoo. Now when I say the boys I mean Martin, Baz (Bzzz), Nye (like the Science guy), DiPack, and Tony. I thought at first that Martin and Nye were pretty good, but um yeah they were like beginners when the big group showed up. They made me look too good. Oh well. So after shooting for awhile, we were joined by some boys aka lads, and they played half field. I did pretty well again, and then the big group came, and we played full field, and yeah I got kicked. Nye was a defensemen, my defenseman, AND I NEVER SAW HIM! Sooo many times the ball would change hands, and all a sudden four red shirts would come down on me, with no one in front of them. Oh boy. I saved it a few times, but I got overpowered, or I would play the ball, and the net is sooo big that they would pass it over, and yeah no hope.
I did make some really nice saves, my arm went numb for a little bit after I caught one ball... haha, but I also let in some stupid ones. I got a little mad at myself for that, but I did redeem myself. I think only ball went in that was at a catchable height. I raced back and forth between the posts catching everything that was shot up high, or at least getting a piece of it, and tipping it over the net. Best of all though, I was congratulated many times by the boys, all of them, they said I had good hands and eyes. I said it was all hockey. I had Nye, when he showed up near the net, to kick the ball for me. I tried to kick it a few times, and ended up giving it to the other team. Er. Some of the boys made fun of me because I could not kick it, but I threatened to beat them up, and I said that I play hockey, not football, and I would welcome the opportunity to kick them around the ice arena.
My two last saves were very impressive, I must say. First for some reason there was two of them in front of me, and this kid on the left hit it REALLY hard at me, and it hit my leg, bounced off, and went to the other kid, who shot it, and I caught it. The first kid apologized for hitting it so hard. After that though, I was done. My cheerleaders (Amaya, Kathleen, Cassie) were packing it in, and Martin, Nye, Baz and Tony were all tired and beat.
So I played for four hours. I did get a little bored by the end, as I always do with goalie. I just like being in all the action. But I can officially hate football now, because I've played it. I think it's one big mess, there are like 10 forwards and no defensemen... I guess there are suppose to be a few, but pick up football is stupid. The rules are stupid, corners are a waste of time, and you look stupid running up the field, doing a little waddle dance with a ball between your feet. At least with hockey, some skaters look graceful (Bobby Orr) as they skate the puck up the ice. But football is just weird. And I cannot move. Waist down everything kills. Er. Not happy. I haven't done that much running in awhile. OH there's another thing, the net is so HUGE, but they still miss it so often! I had to chase the ball SO many times. I kept asking if they would like the net enlarged for them.
Oh well. Tomorrow I go to Cork with Jenna. I'm wicked excited, I feel like I'm going home. I also get to see Steph Rattigan from Fontbonne, so that's cool. Jenna and I are leaving tomorrow and coming back on Saturday, so I get to celebrate St. Paddy's day in two cities... woohoo. Well til next time.
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