Mom wanted to see Stonehenge and Bath so we went the third day of their trip. I've never been to either, the girls went as part of their British Life and Culture class, but yeah I so refused to take that class. So we went. That morning though, I made everyone eggs, toast and tea! Go me! Of course as soon as I was done eating, I tried to hurry everyone else along, because though they say you can do Stonehenge and Bath in one day, I wasn't so sure. Stonehenge is near Salisbury which is about an hour and a half away, and Bath is a bit further, but only like an hour from Salisbury.
I had hopes of leaving Clapham Junction before 11am, but we missed the train that left just before 11, and had to wait until the next train. Bummer. I think that was like the theme of the week, we missed things by like 5 minutes. Oh well. I did get to see more of Clapham Junction, I've never been outside of it, or been to the part where you can buy tickets or get food. I usually have my destination planned, and I just go right to my platform.
Anyway, we got to Salisbury, and we had to take a bus to Stonehenge, and the bus takes about 20 minutes. We get to Stonehenge, and really what is so important about a bunch of rocks? A LOT! Omg, it was amazing! The whole mystery of it is so fascinating. I mean how the heck did these rocks get here, why in this formation, why in general... all these questions hit me at once. I doubt I'll ever have my questions answered, but oh well. It's so interesting though, millions of people have seen these rocks and will continue to go to Salisbury to see a pile of rocks. Mom I think had a good time. We walked around the rocks, taking pictures, and just wondering about the huge rocks. I really enjoyed seeing Stonehenge, and got some neat pictures that I will post. Unfortunately though, as we were staring at these rocks, the next bus came and left, and we had to wait an hour for the next one, and that would be like 3:05pm. Well wait we did, and around 3:40pm we were on a train to Bath. Now things in England close early which made me concerned for our trip to Bath. We reached Bath at like 4:20pm, and not knowing when everything closed, I tried to hurry the fam along to the Roman baths. We had to get a map though, and look at it, and see the town, and by the time we got to the Baths they had been closed for 10 minutes. So close...
So we just looked around Bath, it is a lot like all the other English towns I have seen, historical stuff, and then all the same stores. They have everything, even the Disney store. So we just walked, and walked up a hill to see where they filmed parts of Oliver. Mom loved the Royal Crescent, and how those are shaped. She said that seeing it made it worth it, even though we missed the baths, so I was happy. I can go back to Bath anytime, so I was just glad that Mom was pleased. I thought the Royal Crescent and the nearby Circus were cool looking, how awesome would it be to live in one of those! We saw the inside of one, and it had sweet columns!
After that we found a pub, we actually asked a local, but ended up at another one. Mom really loves the pubs, it is a great place though. I adore pubs, ordering at the bar, the awesome food, and just the environment. But after eating, everything was closed, and we left. Unfortunately we missed like the 7:30pmish train, and had to wait an hour for the next one. We got home at 1am. We had to go back to Salisbury to go to Clapham Junction, and while there a kid started talking to us. It was so funny, when he found out we were American, he was asking about things in America, like if you open a bank account, do you get a gun. I asked where he heard that one, and he said Michael Moore. Oh boy. But we talked, well as much as I could understand him, and his version of America is sooo Hollywoodish. He then started complaining about taxes and the queen, and after that his friends apologized to me for him. HAHA! Love it.
But that was Bath and Stonehenge, must go back to see the Roman baths. It was a fun day though.
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