We actually got up and going today. Wow. Probably because Monica and I went to the hotel instead of them coming to the Bridge House. That way there was no playing on my computer, and we could just go. When we got to London, Monica split from the rest of us, we were going to the Tower, and she went to Harrods. She liked the idea of the sale, and she had already been to the Tower.
First of all, I love the Tower of London. I think it's great! For me though the Tower is where they tortured people, and most were beheaded. But at first, it was a palace, people actually lived here. The Beefeaters actually live there! Wow, creepiness. But it so much more than a torture chamber. We took a tour, and it was really interesting. Our guide who was really good told us of the bloodiest beheading, Charles I did not pay money to his executioner, which was custom so the guy took his sweet time. He was also a drunk and butcher, so in the end he cut his throat with his butcher knife. Cool. He also told the story of the two princes who were murdered in the Tower, which was probably done by their Uncle. Nice uncle.
But we saw the ravens, and the chapel, and it was so cool! We then went into the White Tower, this was actually after the tour, and here the fun began! There was swords, armour, shields, well basically everything I love. It was so cool! They had some torture devices... always good. But the swords were so cool, I want a sword. They have the armor for Henry the something, a young prince, and then his amour when he became king... I was in heaven.
There was also two rooms just on Guy Fawkes, now I think Guy Fawkes is cool, and not just because of his name. I know about Guy Fawkes day, and how he tried to blow up Parliament and failed, but I never really knew the whole story. Well I learned it, and I think Guy Fawkes is even cooler. He wasn't a nut, and he wasn't the real leader, but the day is named after him because he is the one who got caught. This plot was discovered a good number of days before hand, the group of men who wanted to blow up Parliament didn't want anyone they liked to be in the building that day (of course), so they wrote a letter to one guy saying, "Psst... November 5 is not a good day to go to work." But that guy showed the letter to government, and yeah a few days later Guy Fawkes was put in the Tower. They questioned him for days, and he held out, and then they tortured him, and he still didn't say anything for a little bit. All of his friends got away, but there was an explosion and yeah whoever didn't die in that was killed or captured a day or two later when the authorities caught up with them. But what is important is Guy Fawkes didn't talk at once, but he stayed silent for days, they didn't even know his real name! So now I'm thinking okay, Guy Fawkes you are pretty cool, not cool to try and blow up a really cool looking building, but hey.
We also saw the Crown Jewels when we were done with the White Tower. That was cool, on the way to the room we went through one that had a panel for each king or queen, and the dates of their reign, then a room showing clips from when Queen Elizabeth II was crowned, and two rooms explaining what jewels there were, and showing big pictures of them. It wasn't that long of a wait, but we did have to go into a vault to see them. Very nice, I approve of the jewels.
After the Tower we had plans to go to the British Museum, but first we ate. We ate at Garfunkel's near the British Museum, and Monica ate with us. We were there, service was slow of course. I got ribs... yummy. We finished around 5pm though, and we agreed to go quickly to the British Museum so Mom could see the Rosetta Stone. So that was my forth time to the Museum I believe, and I would go back in a second. Monica and I had a discussion about the Parthenon, because I had read somewhere that Athens asked for it back when they hosted the Olympics, but apparently they didn't, because I saw them! It was so awesome. I have to go back and look at them more, because we did get kicked out after being there for about 5 minutes, but oh well. Mom did see the Rosetta Stone though so I was glad.
So after that we went to Waterloo and MK, Mom and Jay got on the train. Jay would be back in London, but MK and Mom were done. It was New Years Eve, and of course I was spending it in London with Monica and Jay. Jay went back to the hotel to pack, and get his pictures off my computer. So the moment came, I said good bye to Mom. Now I know she is going to read this, and I am writing exactly what is in my journal. It was tough, I mean one more time, I miss Mo and Dad, I had gotten use to having Mom around. I liked it a lot, and I had a fun week with her. So yeah, it was hard. I mean I'm not a homebody, I love to be out on my own, doing my own thing, but how can you not miss your parents? So yeah, oh well.
So New Years Eve, the fireworks were coming from the London Eye, so Monica and I found a bar right next to the Eye. When midnight came, we walked outside, shuffled to the right a little bit and were standing in front of the Eye. NICE! We just had to spend like 4 hours in a bar. We got some wine, that took me 2 hours and 10 minutes to drink because I really don't like wine that much, and then some champagne like I had at Seafood Fest, so yeah that didn't take 2 hours. Jay came back from Kingston around like 10, and he got some drinks, and then two bottles of wine. WHY! It was gross. He bought the cheapest wine... ick. We told him only to get one, but no he doesn't listen!
The fireworks were awesome. At like 11:45pm we went outside. Jay got friendly with some 18 year olds, and we took a picture... haha. Jay actually slapped a kid on the back in a form of greeting and he threw up. Oh boy. Later after we took the picture, which was taken outside, one knocked Jay's cup out of his hand... But the fireworks, I got the whole thing on my camera. It was weird, there was no countdown or anything, Big Ben just started ringing and the fireworks began. Good show though, I was happy. Usually fireworks in England aren't great, but these were good. We tried to cross the Westminster Bridge after the fireworks but it was closed, so we made our way to Waterloo and went home. We got home around like 2ish. The night was over, Monica and I were falling asleep on the train. We had been up since 8am that morning. Jay was disappointed, but too bad. So I said good bye to Jay at Kingston, and then Monica and I walked back to the Bridge House.
So overall it was a good week, as I said loved having Mom come over. I got to show off Kingston, and my knowledge of London which was fun. And I know everyone is reading this, so I will say that it was okay to see MK and Jay. Well I've been holding back a lot of comments for MK so it was good to finally be able to say them! But best part of week was Mom! Next post: Germany.
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